Category "stdin"

Smalltalk (Pharo) How to interface with the user simply

I stumbled upon Smalltalk and further downloaded Pharo, because it was recommended. My first impression is very positive. I wanted to port some simple programs

How to flush Stdin after fmt.Scanf() in Go?

Here's an issue that's bedeviling me at the moment. When getting input from the user, I want to employ a loop to ask the user to retry until they enter valid in

launch an exe/process with stdin stdout and stderr?

With C++ how do i launch an exe/process with stdin stdout and stderr? I know how to do this in .NET and i remember using popen in the past but popen seems to al

java: how to both read and write to & from process through pipe (stdin/stdout)

(i'm new to java) I need to start a process and receive 2 or 3 handles: for STDIN, STDOUT, (and STDERR), so I can write input to the process and receive its out