Category "springdoc"

How to migrate Springfox' @Api to Springdoc's @Tag?

Manual just says replace @Api -> @Tag. But @Api has produces and consumes parameters, while @Tag has obligatory name parameter. How to migrate @Api(produces

401 while trying to access Swagger UI - Springdoc

I was writing spring application.I added swagger into my project but somehow It couldn't run properly.Into my project also has bearer authentication with token.

How to Integrate Open API 3 with Spring project (not Spring Boot) using springdoc-openapi

My Existing Project is on Spring Framework not Spring Boot. I want to integrate Open API 3 with it. I want to integrate using springdoc-openapi not using Jers

@ApiModelProperty to @Schema

I'm trying to migrate springfox to springdoc using this code: import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; @ApiModelProperty(position = 30, required = true,

spring boot - springdoc open api: No api definiation provided error

I need to document my spring boot application's rest apis with SpringDoc OpenApi. So, I added this dependency in my pom.xml: <dependency> <groupId&

Swagger declaration schema = @Schema(implementation = Map.class) represents Schema as String in swagger-ui

I am trying to create springdoc swagger documentation, and I would like to represent a request body having data type Map<String, Object> in a better reada

SpringDoc openAPI tool not scanning for APIs in Spring Boot Project

I'm having trouble getting this to work. I've started with a working SpringBoot (v2.2.2) app with a working @RestController. To get springdoc to work I've inclu

Springboot 2.6.7, springdoc 1.6.8 i need to have v3/api-docs and v1/api-docs

I'm trying to upgrade my springboot app from 2.5.9 to 2.6.7 so i needed to migrate from springfox 3.0.0 to springdoc 1.6.8 because of many compatibility issues.