Category "spring"

Task running in Fargate is not found with public IP address

I'm creating a simple Spring API, which has a get call that returns some data. I put this in a docker container and tested the container on my localhost and it

How to access cross-field values in QueryDSL QuerydslBinderCustomizer?

How can I access other query parameter values inside QuerydslBinderCustomizer? My goal is to create a departure.between(min, max) binding, that I want to derive

How to add the username and passwords to a request in java spring

I'm currently trying to add security to my spring application and just want to know how can i add the credentials to the request so that it has the security acc

Is it possible to get the return value and method arguments from the same advice in Spring AOP?

Is it possible to get the return value and method arguments from the same advice in Spring AOP? I am trying to implement some login based on return value and th

No qualifying bean of type 'org.springframework.kafka.core.ProducerFactory<java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object>'

I use this kafka configuration with spring cloud and spring boot 2.6.6: @Configuration @RefreshScope public class KafkaProducerConfig { @Bean(name = "nativeP

SCDF kubernetes custom source is writing data to "ouput" channel

I have custom source application which reads data from external kafka server and pass the information to next processor in the stream. In local everything works

Injection problem in Spring Boot Test: "messageConverters must not be empty"

I have a strange problem with a Spring Boot Test. The test itself is empty, but it does not even manage to start the application. I get an error "Failed to load

I want to enable logging before running

How can I use Spring boot's logging system before running SpringApplication::run? By the way, I'm using logback and lombok. @slf4j @SpringBootApplication public

@RefereshScope in Spring config server

As per the documentation whenever the bean in RefereshScope and the actuator end-point refresh called the bean got refreshed. Questions : Bean refresh means spr

How can I build an web client of the default codecs' maxInMemorySize(3GB)?

I saw usually developers used buffer as just a few MB. However, I think I need to use buffer as more than 1 GB or even 3 ~ 4GB So I built a web client in source

Plugin 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:' not found

I'm facing an error in my pom.xml file given below: Plugin 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:' not found Below is my pom.xml : <?xml versi

Can't find CorsRegistry class?

I'm creating a spring boot project and I'm trying to change the CORS policy because it keeps getting blocked by the browser. The problem is that I can't find wh

How can I create immutable DTOs using Jackson but without annotions?

Jackson can deserialize JSON data into immutable objects. But by default the constructor or static factory method parameters have to be specified either using @

NoClassDefFoundError on org.springframework.jms.listener.DefaultMessageListenerContainer on start Application

I have big Gradle project. When i ruunng application gradlew - bootRun or run Debug on InteljIdea I got exceptions java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springfr

Write the same data with different file names using single Item writer using Spring Batch

I have a Spring Batch FlatFileItemWriter which writes data to a specific location with a file name(let's say A.txt for example). Now I need the same file to be

How to show sql Queries in console in springboot azure (Springboot + Azure Cosmos)

i am using SpringBoot with azurecosmos db i want to see the query for below repository code. findByFirstNameAndLastName(String firstName,String lastName);

Deployment issue on Heroku : zuul + eureka + microservices

Thanks for taking the time to read my post. My issue is as such. I have 2 microservices (auth-service and image-service) deployed on Heroku, as well as a server

Spring Boot /actuator returns 404 not found

I am using spring boot 2.1.4.RELEASE and currently trying to access http://localhost:8080/actuator but i am getting 404 not found. I am not sure what am i doing

Spring Cloud Gateway for composite API calls?

I am starting to build a Microservice API Gateway, and I am considering Spring Cloud to help me with the routing. But some calls to the Gateway API will need mu

How to configure Spring-Security AntPathRequestMatcher to case insensitive in XML configuration

We recently upgraded Spring-Security from 3.X to 5.6. Most of the issues we could iron out however one thing proves difficult. The problem was caused by a chang