Category "soap"

Missing SOAP-ENV webservice response header in JBOSS EAP 7.4.3 after migration from 6.4

0 I am trying to migrate my application server (JBOSS EAP) from 6.4 to 7.4.3. But, after migration I am getting the below error while hitting my webservices. Un

SOAP Request in Flutter/Dart

I need to make a SOAP request to a .NET Webservice (WSDL) with Flutter. This webservice has an basic auth (user, password) and some services with pre-defined e

Consume NAV Soap web service in java

Any Lead for consuming Microsoft dyanmics NAV web service.Client has given us a WSDL file in XML format and we need to consume it in java/spring boot.

PHP SOAP insert data StructType wsdltophp

I am working in a project where I must call SOAP WS. I used WSDLtoPHP, that's really helpful. I can READ data, and now I would like to create new item with the

Zeep Client WSDL Request Unexpected Keyword Argument

I'm trying to write a request to a SOAP API based upon an EntityId. I was unable to pull the services listed using python -mzeep because there is a certificate/

How to load test soap api using jmeter

How to load test soap api using jmeter 4.0 , multbinding The follow: example for soap request ::

SOAP Proxy with Spring Integration

I'm trying to wrap my head around spring integration and would preferably like to stay away from XML-based configuration. What I would like to do is the follo

In Python, how to set _soapheaders for Zeep using Dictionaries?

In working with a SOAP api, the wsdl spec describes the api key passed in the header in a complex namespaced structure as well as additional non-namespaced XML

Error reading XMLStreamReader: Unexpected character 'N' (code 78) in prolog; expected '<'

I am getting WstxUnexpectedCharException when hitting a soap service. My code is generating the request, that request is looking fine, and when same request i a

POST changes to OPTIONS + Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header

XMLHttpRequest cannot load Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is pr

NoMeasureSelected CampaignPerformanceReportRequest Microsoft Ads

I'm trying to setup Microsoft ads to a project and get CampaignPerformanceReportRequest working on my project but I'm receiving NoMeasureSelected error. Not sur

How to send parameters in soap request in php in __soapcall() function

i want to send a below xml request to the server which is sending ok by using soap UI but not in php: <ns:AgentLogin> <ns:AgentLoginRQ

multipart SOAP request in Savon

I need to build this multipart request in SAVON for calling executeProcess method of a SOAP service: <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoa

Best practice: WebLogic SOAP service -- should WSDL be visible?

I am going to deploy a SOAP web service on a WebLogic server. The endpoint of the service is something like:

The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel when connecting to an old web service

I need to connect to an old web service. It's a government service so I cannot do anything server side. Firstly, when I try to connect to WSDL through browser,

Unable to use ByteArray value received

I'm developing a soap web server with spyne. I've defined the following method inside a Service class: @rpc(String, String, String, String, String, DateTime, St

Spring Boot Actuator endpoints unreachable in a SOAP web service

I've created a SOAP web service using Spring Boot, based on this tuto : The web service works great

NetSuite SOAP API: Populate PurchaseOrderList on VendorBill record retrieval

When using the NetSuite SOAP API I would like to retrieve the purchaseOrderList for a VendorBill record. The purchaseOrderList field is shown as a RecordRefList

How do I configure beans for a static wsdl, which is importing a root xsd of a hierarchical structure?

I am implementing soap web services in a Spring environment. The xsd and wsdl definitions come from an external company, and I've implemented the endpoints alre

PHP soap wrong digest hash

I'm trying to send a SOAP message from PHP to a server, and I'm stuck at generating a SHA256 hash of the data being sent. Here is an example request provided by