Category "cart"

Add and update products to session cart in Laravel

I am building a shopping cart for guests with sessions in laravel. I can add one product with quantity to the session variable 'cart.' However, when I add the s

WooCommerce - unset "<product> removed notice…" on cart page

actions and filters. On my WooCommerce site I get the following message when I remove a product from the shopping cart: "<product name>" removed. Undo?

Additional price based on cart item count in WooCommerce

Based on "woocommerce change price in checkout and cart page" answer code that change the total price in checkout page, I have added some extra code to count th

How to skip cart page on woocomerce for certain products only?

I added this to my functions.php file : add_filter ('woocommerce_add_to_cart_redirect', 'woo_redirect_to_checkout'); function woo_redirect_to_checkout() { $che

WooCommerce: Add/display Product or Variation custom field everywhere

Currently using WordPress 5.1.1 and WooCommerce 3.5.7. My WooCommerce store has around 500 products, made up of simple and variable products. Each product natu

Custom add to cart button URL for specific product in WooCommerce?

I would like the user to be directed to a certain URL when they click the 'add to cart' button. At the moment I have this: /** * Set a custom add to cart URL

Magento 1.9 add to cart slow when cached

We have been experiencing an odd issue on some of our sites since moving from Magento 1.7 to 1.9. When a sites cache hasn't been cleared for a while add to cart

Minimum order amount except for specific shipping method in WooCommerce

In WooCommerce, I use the following code to set a minimum order amount: add_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_process', 'wc_minimum_order_amount' ); add_action( 'wo

Limit WooCommerce products in cart only from one custom taxonomy

I'm trying to restrict customers on my Woocommerce store to only be allowed to order products from 1 "supplier" at a time. I am defining the "Supplier" by a cus