Category "signalr"

Signalr callbacks are run outside angular zone?

I have a strange problem with signalr and angular. We recently upgraded signalr to use the @microsoft/signalr package instead of the @aspnet/signalr one and we

How can I call all the signal R events without explicitly invoking them using hubconnection.On method

We have a API with SignalR implementation for chat, reminder and so on. I want to invoke all of methods on my client portal that's on angular without passing hu

Awaiting localhost to reload in ASP.NET Core

I have an ASP.NET Core server, which is using SignalR to generate HTML pages dynamically at runtime through JavaScript. After i shut my application down, in the

Xamarin app crashes with The type initializer for 'System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer' threw an exception after SignalR install

After adding SignalR client to my Xamarin Forms app, it started crashing shortly after launching. The error I get is: System.InvalidOperationException Message=E

How do I resolve Uncaught ReferenceError: signalR is not defined

@section scripts{ <script src=""></script> } I added signalR CDN

Asp Net Core SignalR Exception thrown: 'System.IO.InvalidDataException' in Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Protocols.Json.dll

I get an exception from the SignalR client application(Exception thrown: 'System.IO.InvalidDataException' in Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Protocols.Json.dll). T

SignalR Client How to Set user when start connection?

Server side: public override Task OnConnected() { var connectionId = Context.ConnectionId; var user = Context.User.Identity.Name; // Context.User is NU

SignalR hub with Bearer authentication

I have a problem. I have in my API JWT Bearer authentication. I try to use SignalR hub with authentication but it doesn't work for me. I think I tried everythin

Disable signalr console logging

using signalR in Javascript client. (backend is core). I want to disable the console logging for signalr. basically, to stop this: I have done this (bu