Category "set"

What determines the item order when converting a set to a list?

I know there are several similar questions, but I haven't found one yet that talks about what I would like to know. If this is a duplicate, please point it out.

pandas, access a series of lists as a set and take the set difference of 2 set series

Given 2 pandas series, both consisting of lists (i.e. each row in the series is a list), I want to take the set difference of 2 columns For example, in the data

lifting functions in python

Say you have a function f:integers -> integers, one should be able to lift this function to act on sets of integers. I.e. f:sets of integers -> sets of

lifting functions in python

Say you have a function f:integers -> integers, one should be able to lift this function to act on sets of integers. I.e. f:sets of integers -> sets of

How to get the symmetric difference of two dictionaries

I was looking for a solution to finding the symmetric difference between two dictionaries in Python. For example, if I have two dictionaries A and B, and I wan

How to get all possible values for an existing ENUM or SET - field

I'm using Doctrine in Symfony4. How do I retrieve all possible values for an ENUM or SET column on this base?

Set image as wallpaper from url (Glide + json)

app app Hi, thanks in advance to those who guide me. I have a problem with the Set Wallpaper, that when I clicked on the button, I get the following error: 2

How to move elements from a set to a vector efficiently?

I have a std::set<vector<int>> from which I would like to move (not copy) elements to a std::vector<vector<int>>. How do I do this? I t

Does golang have the plan for supporting set datastructure?

This feature can be implemented with 'map'. countrySet := map[string]bool{ "US": true, "JP": true, "KR": true, } But to ease the eyes of readers, 'set'

Declare variable set = select

How do I declare a variable for used in a PostgreSQL 9.3 query? CREATE or replace FUNCTION public.test() returns int4 AS $BODY$ DECLARE cod_process bi

Check if a value is in a list

Does Go have something similar to Python's in keyword? I want to check if a value is in a list. For example in Python: x = 'red' if x in ['red', 'green', 'ye

How to customize object equality for JavaScript Set

New ES 6 (Harmony) introduces new Set object. Identity algorithm used by Set is similar to === operator and so not much suitable for comparing objects: var set

Python, redis: How do I set multiple key-value pairs at once

I have two lists keys= [k0,k1,] vals= [v0,v1,] I can set these key-values on redis in multiple steps doing the following: for i in range(0,len(k

Get std::set comparison as function parameter / complemet of a set without universal set

I have this .cpp file and I have to write the methods set_union, subset, complement, and contains. My two problem is first: How can I have a complement without

Check for any values in set

Suppose I have the following set: things = {'foo', 'bar', 'baz'} I would like to find out if either foo or bar exists in the set. I've tried: >>> '

Short-circuit UNION? (only execute 2nd clause if 1st clause has no results)

If I do: SELECT * FROM A WHERE conditions UNION SELECT * FROM B WHERE conditions I get the union of the resultset of query of A and resultset of

Append values to a set in Python

I have a set like this: keep = set(generic_drugs_mapping[drug] for drug in drug_input) How do I add values [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] into this set?

How to "perfectly" override a dict?

How can I make as "perfect" a subclass of dict as possible? The end goal is to have a simple dict in which the keys are lowercase. It would seem that there sho

Creating a Python function that will create a dictionary for tuples of character counts, assigned to a key of either vowels, consonants or others

So, trying to create a function that takes a string input, and with that input, it counts all the instances of all characters to a dictionary (like {'a':5, 'b':