Category "webrequest"

WebRequest vs FileWebRequest

I am going through the example exam questions for Microsoft exam 70-483 "Programming in C#". There is one question the answer to which I don't understand and c

Upload file uploaded via HTTP to ASP.NET further to FTP server in C#

Upload form: <form asp-action="Upload" asp-controller="Uploads" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="file" name="file" maxlength="64" /> <

Blogger API v3.0 - Working with users (OAuth 2.0)

Please see this documentation link: So, I'm trying to 'get a user' by user ID. This is a

VB.NET WebRequest with PHP POST

I am having trouble sending the post variable to received in the PHP document in my server. I tried it with the GET and it works fine. But what I notice is the