Category "sdl"

Library not loaded SDL2 using Xcode Version 13.3.1 on macOS 12.3.1

Am trying to learn SDL2 using Xcode Version 13.3.1 on macOS Monterey 12.3.1 Followed these steps: Downloaded/ran the dmg file and moved the extracted SDL2.frame

IMG_Load() with jpg returns "unsupported image format"

I'm trying to load images using SDL2-image, it works when I try to load a .png, but it fails to recognize a .jpg My imports: #include <SDL2/SDL.h> #undef

SDL_image failing to initialise

When I try and initialise IMG or use IMG_Load, I get the error: "IMG_Init: Failed loading libpng16-16.dll: The specified module could not be found." From what I

Can i track my mouse pos outside a SDL window?

I build a clock with SDL, its a window without border. Now i still wanna be able to move my clock around my screen so i wrote a function to move it. Basicly it

How do I use SDL2 in my programs correctly?

I want to make a game using SDL2, but I'm unable to compile and/or run my code, please help! SDL2 is notoriously hard to set up, and it's often the first libr

How to Upscale window or renderer in sdl2 for pixelated look?

I want this pixelated look in sdl2 for all the object in my screen

SDL2: How to properly toggle fullscreen?

I have problems deactivating fullscreen mode with my program. Entering fullscreen happens correctly, but trying to go back to windowed mode doesn't work, the on

Read Key presses in C; ex.: Arrow keys, Enter key

I know how to use events to test when a key is pressed or not, but in C I never found out how to do that. What I want exactly is a "KeyListener" that listens fo

SDL_TTF : undefined reference to "TTF_INIT"

I'm trying to learn how to use SDL_TTF library. But i'm unable to solve an error of type : undefined reference to "TTF_INIT" here is the simple code that im t