Category "cryptography"

Aws4 sign S3 PUT requests

Writing specialized S3 file upload request signing function that will run on Cloudflare workers (I guess should be the same as in browsers): let s3PutSign = fu

Elliptic Curve DSA on JavaCard - what else do I need to initialise?

I am trying to implement ECDSA on JavaCard. So far I have this code: Signature sig = Signature.getInstance(Signature.ALG_ECDSA_SHA_256, false); KeyPair key = ne

can I access the private key of solana account (via phantom) to encrypt data?

I am very new to web3 etc but as far as I know, every account is represented by a public/private key. The public key can be accessed anytime and the private key

Android javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException

I have an issue with this helper class where I get an exception while I tried to decrypt. I tried a few solutions on the internet and they seem not working. Thi

Uninitialized Key Exception when using getK() in Elliptic Curve DSA on javacard

When trying to use the getK() method on a key pair in JavaCard I get this exception code: CryptoException.UNINITIALIZED_KEY Here is my code where I generate the

How to generate curve25519 key pair for diffie hellman algorithm?

I want to implement ECDHE algorithm in my project ,for that I want to use Curve25519.But stuck how to generate key-pair for Curve25519.With other curve I am abl

subtle crypto with ECDSA : Cannot create a key using the specified key usages

I wanted to import an ECDSA private key in Chrome to sign some data, tried yet with crypto.subtle.importKey: feeded the importKey with a derivated private key u

Coinbase API BTC account missing

thanks for coming to my aid. In the course of using the coinbase API, when I callclient.getAccounts({}, function(error, accounts){console.log('accounts', accoun

How to configure openjdk for FIPS and simple postgres connection example

I have a simple Java application running in an openjdk Docker container that is executing on a FIPS enabled host system (on a Kubernetes clust

i want implement ICO Contract for token contract

I have some simple ico contracts for airdrop and presale with lock token future to lock token until ico end and I want to know how to connect it to token contra

Error using sign.sign() in Node.js crypto, bad decrypt

New to node.js and I got error using sign() in crypto.Please help! I created sign using const sign = crypto.createSign('sha256'); and then tried to sign with

Andoid 12 Keystore user_0 missing foder

I'm currently doing a study on application forensics on Android 12 API 31. in this study I need to use a private key from Keystore that I can find no problem in

How to generate a cryptographically secure random integer within a range?

I have to generate a uniform, secure random integer within a given range for a program that generates passwords. Right now I use this : RNGCryptoServiceProvide

from field must match key's x, but it was y

I write the code below. It seems it has a problem with the "signed_txn = w3.eth.account.sign_transaction(transaction, private_key=private_key" part. I face to t

pyconfig.h missing during "pip install cryptography"

I wanna set up scrapy cluster follow this link scrapy-cluster,Everything is ok before I run this command: pip install -r requirements.txt The requirements.tx

How to apply Shamir's Secret Sharing on strings passwords

I was trying to write a simple code to generate and obtain passwords using Shamir's secret sharing method. My question is: How can I apply this to string passwo

How to transfer custom SPL token by '@solana/web3.js' and '@solana/sol-wallet-adapter'

Hello I am trying to transfer a custom SPL token with the solana-wallet adapter. However i am having trouble getting the wallet's secret key/signing the transac

Does the size of the prime number in Shamir's Secret Sharing affect the security of the sharding?

I've been working on an implementation of Shamir's Secret Sharing, and was wondering if the prime number selected will impact on the security. This is mainly be

Is there a way to seed a cryptographically secure RNG engine in rust using a [u8; 64] array?

ORIGINAL QUESTION: I am currently trying to write a library in rust - to be compiled to WASM - for converting a bip39 mnemonic passphrase into an Arweave JWK. I

Get IV size for a specific cipher in node.js

Is there a way to get the IV size for a specific cipher, like what is returned by a call to OpenSSL's EVP_CIPHER_CTX_iv_length()? If an IV has the wrong size,