Category "rounded-corners"

How to create uneven rounded sides on a div?

I've been trying to make a DIV with uneven rounded sides like this: I've checked some solutions and the closest I can get to it is by using border-radius. I'

cornerRadius not working with backgroungTint

I am a beginner in android dev. I am making a calculator in which i want to add round button using corner Radius. the problem is that it is working fine when i

Round only 2 corners of a UIView in custom UITableViewCell - iOS

I have a UIView in a custom UITableViewCell and I want to round just bottom Left and Right corners of that view. I'm doing the following, but it's not working:

Create a rounded button / button with border-radius in Flutter

I'm currently developing an Android app in Flutter. How can I add a rounded button?

CSS tabs with rounded base (smooth base transition) [duplicate]

Hi I am looking for the most efficient way to create a "tab" with HTML/CSS with rounded corners but also a smooth, rounded transition to the b