Category "rvm"

rvm can't compile ruby: fails openssl check

I'm trying to install ruby 2.7.6 on MacOS 11.6.1 using rvm. I am specifying the location of a brew-installed openssl but the logs say that it isn't the right ve

How to add jemalloc to existing rails server using rvm?

how to add jemalloc in a working ruby on rails server?We installed ruby using rvm. Rails version:5.2 Ruby version:2.5.1 I tried ruby -r rbconfig -e "puts R

How to silence the verbose rvm log in Jenkins job?

The thing is I'm loading RVM in Jenkins as a function due to bash "not a login" protection. That however outputs the whole RVM configuration to my log => fir

Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib (LoadError)

I just discovered I can no longer gem push … any more and some digging led me to a need to update my RVM SSL certs. I ran rvm osx-ssl-certs status all b