Category "rselenium"

rselenium clicking on dropdown element to collect data

I am trying to collect some area names from a website and in order to do so I want to click the drop-down box to expand the downwards pointing arrow. i.e. on th

RSelenium fails to findElement when not called individually

(Apologies for the bad title, improvements are welcome) When I run the three last lines of the code below individually everything works as expected. It finds th

Automate Headless Firefox in RSelenium with Profile

I would like to automate an instance of Firefox with RSelenium that is both headless and uses a custom profile (in the simple example below, one that does not l

Recognizing and Clicking Alert with RSelenium

I'm having some difficulty with an alert I receive during a for loop. Effectively, I can't figure out how to recognize the alert when it comes up and then close

Run RSelenium in parallel

How would i go about running RSelenium in parallel. The following is an example using rvest in parallel library(RSelenium) library(rvest) library(magrittr) li