Category "relationship"

Laravel empty pagination data

My query from Laravel Builder toSql() function. select `dispatcher_leads`.*, (select CASE WHEN lead_positions.order_type = 'shift' THEN DATE_ADD(lead_positions

mysql table relationship with primary and foreign keys

I have created 3 tables: accounts, products, claims. These are the relationships: Accounts: PK - username Products: PK - serial number, FK - username Claims: FK

Access relation of pivot table in Laravel

I have three models Bill, Product and Process. Bill has a ManyToMany relationship with Product and the pivot table have some extra fields. I write the Bill mode

TYPO3 10 Exbase bidirectional m:n relation sorting

In my extension I have two models team members (parent) and expertise (child). The bidirectional relationsship between the two models is stored in an intermedia

Laravel Eloquent relationships with 3 Table

Laravel 3 Table table_user id name table_barang id iduser name statusbarang_id table_statusbarang id name My code UserModels: public function BarangModels()

How to order by eager loaded relationship in Laravel 5.5?

The code below works perfectly and displays all products with discounts in JSON Format for my API. But I want the result ordered by id in the discounts table. S

How to get relationship data with spring boot rest api?

I'm building a REST API with Spring Boot to retrieve boat information. I'm using Spring Data Rest and Spring Data JPA. When I get the data from the API, I don't

How to extract relation between entities for stock prediction

I am trying to extract relation between two entities (entity1- relation- entity2) from news articles for stock prediction. I have used NER for entity extraction

Laravel relationship belongsToMany with composite primary keys

I have 3 tables and I'm trying to make relations between order_products and order_products_status_names. I have transition/pivot table named order_product_statu

Laravel: Create morphs() relationship nullable

I want to create a one-to-one polymorphic relation allow null relation. Example: Schema::create('ps_assistances', function (Blueprint $table) {