Category "redux"

does redux change the reference of rootState object when a field's value in a sub state changes?

i have my redux states setup like this rootState subState1 field1 field2 subState2 field1 field2 multiple sub

disable other buttons using

I have ten expansion panels. on click of one button in one expansion panel I need to disable other buttons in other expansion panel but the problem is when I tr

How to apply createEntityAdapter to createApi slice

I have implemented successfully a redux-toolkit api. Now Im trying to use createEntityAdapter to be able to use the pre-built selector methods. import { creat

How to cancel an entire redux saga chain from the leaf node

We have multiple sagas (ex: loadSampleData and loadCustomSampleData) that can be triggered by multiple different actions and can have multiple in-flight request

How to solve redux-persist failed to create sync storage. falling back to noop storage. in nextjs

Here is the version am using => "redux-persist": "^6.0.0", Error: => redux-persist failed to create sync storage. falling back to noop storage.

How can I merge multiple reducers?

I have a file structure like below store index.js reducers organize index.js user index.js index.js trying to combine organize and user reducers to reducers/

React State update with button click from another component

Please read the details below of code enter image description here This MegaMenu Component import MenuIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Menu'; import './MegaMenu.c

OnClick event not working in map function react

I am unsure why I cannot use onClick on this within map function???I am getting the data from useSelector in my redux file. Clicking the TestComponent does noth

431 - (Request Header Fields Too Large)

First time posting a question please keep it in mind when reading Things i tried: Cleared my google chrome cache and cookies, tried incognito mode, updated my n

useSelector of React Redux don't update state of store on expo react-native

I made the same model on the web and it worked, I tried to use shallowEqual of Redux as second parameter of useSelector function, also the _.isEqual of lodash

" Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {})."

class Home extends PureComponent { render() { const { proList } = this.props; return ( <HomeWrap> <B

Using react redux with next.js

I try to use Redux with next.js starter project and I installed next-redux-wrapper on the project but I'm not sure where is the root file in this project. I try

dispatch in redux reducer (project created by tookit)

I want to dispatch in changeCategory reducer. how should I do it? I am using create-react-app tool Thanks export const searchParamsSlice = createSlice({ name:

Next.js: Reduce data fetching and share data between pages

I'm looking for solutions for better data fetching in a Next.js app. In this question I'm not just looking for a solution, I'm looking for multiple options so w

MERN Application - Problem with notifications and mapping array

I'm on a MERN stack to create a chat application. And when I'm trying to display notifications when there is a new message in another chatroom or a new PM I'm h

Redux Toolkit Query real time updates

is it possible get real time updates maybe I have a product and the amount of product goes from 2 to 1, can I show this in real time with rtk query ?

Preserve type argument in Redux connected component

I have a simple component that takes a type argument on props. When used, it infers the prop type and contextually types a callback param. However, when I wrap

TypeError: Cannot destructure property 'product' of 'productDetails' as it is undefined

**ProductDetailsScreen.js >>> Here is my code, I got the product list from Redux store, But facing a problem when initializing product details. ** e

NgRx Angular App not working with Redux DevTools

So I'm following this tutorial to get familiar with ngRx Entity, and for some reason my redux dev tools isn't 'lighting up' to indicate that it's in an app that

Where to dispatch multiple actions in redux?

I am using redux with connect and redux-thunk middleware and containers. Currently when an user perform an action, example one click on a button, I need to dis