Category "reality-composer"

Why is the file size of a .reality file so much larger than .usdz?

I am using Apple's new Reality Composer application to attach an image anchor to my .USDZ. My USDZ file is +/- 5MB when imported to Reality Composer and the re

Load glTF model into RealityKit scene?

I'd like to load a glTF file generated by another program into RealityKit. I get the impression that the only way to load models into RealityKit is via USD or R

RealityKit – Get a model entity from USDZ file

I haave a file (exists in main bundle with target membership checked) named matrix.usdz and need to load it with do { let path = Bundle.main.path(forResour

Reality Composer and dealing with multiple surfaces

I want to know if there is a way for the scenes that gets exported from the reality composer to deal with multiple surfaces in the real world. So for example,