Category "xamarin.ios"

Add tap events to elements inside an SVG using SkiaSharp in Xamarin.Forms

I want to get the particular points inside the svg for xamarin.forms Is there is any ways from which I can achieve? Thanks in advance.

How To create a folder inside a Album in iOS iPhone Using Xamarin form

Hello Developer I want to create a a directory inside a Album in iOS using Xamarin form ,I need to use this directory to store all my capture images

Bug - TextDecoration Strikethrough not working on iOS

I have a label where I want strikethrough and a lineheight of 1.5 This works fine with Android, but strikethrough does not work on iOS when LineHeight is also s

DarkMode images in xamarin iOS in visual studio

In android you can create a drawable-night folder and put your dark mode images there. What is the process in iOS? Do I create a folder? I have visual studio 20

Xamarin HttpClient request on Local network gets NameResolutionFailure error

Need to make a request with a local network server. If machine name is known, but not IP address. string serverAddress = "mylocalserver"; System.Net.ServicePoi

ScrollingView editable in height Xamarin.ios

I have been trying to create a ScrollingView on Xamarin.ios for several days now which shrinks and enlarges when I establish it, showing a larger scrollable par Error Code 1000

I receive the following error in DidCompleteWitherror: Error Code 1000 I'm using the following code to sign in

Determine on iPhone if user has enabled AutoFill Passwords

Hyperlink is shown at last for attached image, want to show highlighted option value from device setting section to my app . How to get current value of AutoFi

I can't reproduce iOS Crash Log

I am new at mobile development and Xamarin, trying to publish my first iOS app but, Apple rejected my app due to this crash log : OS Version: iPhone OS

Translation animation between views on xamarin.ios

I'm trying to develop on xamari.ios, the animation consists in the translation of the View, when the swipe gesture is detected, the animation follows the finger

How to use iOS OSLog with Xamarin?

How can I use the iOS OSLog in Xamarin.iOS? I did succeed in using NSLog as follows, but I see no way of setting the subsystem (to the bundle identifier) with

How can we handle the done button click event for a Xamarin Forms Picker?

I want to fire a click event on the Done button on a Picker in Xamarin Forms. I found some people having custom render for entry, but how can we implement the d

What will happen to custom controls and Renderers in .net maui?

In my Current Xamarin.Forms projects I have created many Renderers for different requirements. Now in September maui is coming and we have to migrate our projec

Xamarin.iOS ApplicationVerificationFailed: Failed to verify code signature of

why I am getting this error when I am trying to run my application in real device not simulator ApplicationVerificationFailed: Failed to verify code signature

Listview in xamarin form not using full space of form

I am working on Xamarin forms cross platform app. I have a form where i need to show data in listview. Data is displaying but its not using entire space resul

Display a popup with xamarin forms

I want to display a small popup in a xamarin forms application (iOS/Android PCL) I am actually working with a ContentPage (XAML + C# code) and i am showing th

Cannot create IOS archive: Path (directory name must be less than 248 characters) and/or file name (must be less than 260 characters) are too long

ERROR Cannot create IOS archive 'MyIosProject'. Process cannot be executed on XMA server. There was an error unzipping the file C:\Users\myusername\AppData\Loc

Method 'UIKit.UIApplication.Main' is obsolete: Use the overload with 'Type' instead of 'String' parameters for type safety

After upgrade my Xamarin.Forms version to, I'm getting the following warning in Main.cs file inside my iOS project: Method UIKit.UIApplication.Main