Category "react-query"

useInfiniteQuery but all the data re-rendered every refetch

I'm trying pagination by useInfiniteQuery in React Query, it's refetch data perfectly, but there's a problem that each time new data added, the page re-render a

react-query how to call mutate from custom useMutation hook in Jest test

I'm running a React Native project where I'm testing custom hooks written with react-query. I'm using Jest, @testing-library/react-hooks and @testing-library/re

React JS React Query's useMutation: Unable to retrieve the response from the server within the onError callback

I am working on a React JS project. I am using React query, to make API requests. I am now having a problem with mutation retr

React query mutation: getting the response from the server with onError callback when the API call fails

I am working on a React JS project. In my project, I am using React query, I am using mutation to make t