Category "react-component"

Create helper function for a (click handler) function to reuse in multiple React components

For a 'back' button I've created below (onClick) handler function in my React app. const { length: historyLength, goBack, replace } = useHistory(); const h

React-Beautiful-DnD: Invariant failed: provided.innerRef has not been provided with a HTMLElement

I was following the tutorial but I unexpectedly got this error, does anyone see what is going on? Here is the full error: react_devtools_backend.js:2557 react-

How to customise React AsyncSelect style

I am trying to customise the style of AsyncSelect component, but seems not able to do it. import AsyncSelect from 'react-select/async'; <AsyncSelect classN

How to change default component name while importing in react native?

I want to import a component named "Create" while importing I want to change its name. But I cannot change the component name as I export the "Create" component