Category "amazon-efs"

Any automate way to copy data from Amazon EFS to S3?

I am looking for an efficient way to periodically copy data from EFS to S3. I know I am able to create a cron job and use S3 cli to move the data, but I was won

Mount EFS to Lambda Container

I have a task that I would like to run inside a container on AWS Lambda. I know, that when using the regular function, not a container, it is possible to mount

Error response from daemon: ........... connect: connection refused AWS ECS

Stopped reason "Error response from daemon: create ecs-parser-api-dev-45-allsorter-efs-c4c8df9386aaff820100: Post http://%2Frun%2Fdocker%2Fplugins%2Famazon-ecs-