Category "react-beautiful-dnd"

React-Beautiful-DnD: Invariant failed: provided.innerRef has not been provided with a HTMLElement

I was following the tutorial but I unexpectedly got this error, does anyone see what is going on? Here is the full error: react_devtools_backend.js:2557 react-

React beautiful DND - I get "Unable to find draggable with id: task-2

In the following code, I have two columns. One column has all the tasks. The other column has a group of selected tasks. So, my expectation is that, when a user

react-beautiful-dnd - Invariant failed: Cannot find droppable entry with id

I was following along with a react-beautiful-dnd tutorial that uses react component classes instead of hooks. I was writing an equivalent program with modern re

Cancel drag or disable reorder

Is there a way to cancel drop action of react-beautiful-dnd's Draggable object? I have a list of items with one item to be always at last position. I want to