Category "date"

Order By Date desc evaluates 01-01-1970 higher then everything else

I have the following simplified query SELECT id to_char(execution_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD') as execution_date FROM schema.values ORDER BY execution_date DESC,

Check if page creation date is within the last 7 days with Eleventy and Nunjucks?

I posted a few days ago about having a way to check for newly created posts, and I am making some headway in this but got a little stuck as shortcodes are still

How to select date only from database that storing dob as datatype timestamp without timezone in java

I have a table in PostgreSQL that stores dob as datatype timestamp without timezone example value '1997-12-03 07:00:00'. My entity class is as follows @Tab

Chrome: HTML date input produces strange comma

Whenever I use "input with type="date"" in Chrome, there is a strange comma on the left of the date input. There is no such comma in Firefox and I cannot find a

Join tables on dates, with dirty date field

In AWS Athena, I am trying to join two tables in the db using the date, but one of the tables (table2) is not clean, and contains values that are not dates, as

Excel problem: Exported from OBIEE to Excel analysis adding time part to a date column

There is a date column used in OBIEE analysis. That column is declared as 'date' datatype in Oracle table, type in rpd is also 'DATE'. However, when exported to

JS how to add hours and minutes to scheduled date

I need to be able to let clients schedule a certain type of meeting for a future date, the meeting duration I get back from the database is in minutes. I need t

How to calculate from a date to another date?

I am creating a workday calendar which calculates which date the workday ends. I have a code that sets daily worktime from e.g 8:00-16:00 (workDayStartStop). An

Flatpickr set minDate and maxDate dynamically by other field value in field setting without custom JS

How could I set the minDate of a "end date" field to by dynamically bigger than the "start date" field by references to the start date input id without custom J

How to convert a given ordinal number (from Excel) to a date

I have a Value 38142 I need to convert it into date format using python. if use this number in excel and do a right click and format cell at that time the value

Power BI: Order data by YearMonth in DAX

I would like to create a YearMonth column in Power BI and group data in this order in visual plot, say histogram. I tried to create a duplicate of the datetime

How to compare dates in python and find the greater one

I want to compare 2 date and predict a label true if date 1 greater than date 2 and predict false date 1 less than date 2. I have trained the model but model is

How to know if htpdate has synchronized system clock?

On my linux system, I use ntp to synchronize the system clock. I also installed htpdate to synchronize it when ntp is not available. To know if ntp has synchron

How to know if htpdate has synchronized system clock?

On my linux system, I use ntp to synchronize the system clock. I also installed htpdate to synchronize it when ntp is not available. To know if ntp has synchron

Extract time (HMS) from lubridate date time object?

I have the following datetime: t <- "2018-05-01 23:02:50 UTC" I want to split it to time and date. When I apply date(t) I get the date part. But when

limiting the date-picker to be prior to certain number of years

I need to implement a modification in the WPForms in a site, the user could not select a date after 18 years back from now. The idea is to limit people younger

Hugo, how to localized .groupByDate

In my template I sort by months my post like this: {{ range (where site.RegularPages "Type" "in" site.Params.mainSections).GroupByDate "January, 2006" -}} <

Compute Date out of Timestamp from Binance-API (Python)

I received the servertime from the Binance-API,I try to work with and it looks like this: { "serverTime": 1518440400000 } The question is, how can I comput

Date comparison Logic / in Liquid Template Filter

I'm attempting to create a "Pre-Order" Like mechanic where certain elements of my Shopify Liquid Template only show if the current date is more or less than the

How convert input type="date" in a timestamp?

I need to convert an <input type="date"> value in a timestamp. This is my HTML code: <input type="date" name="date_end" id="date_end"> This field