Category "raster"

How to plot wind vectors on wind map

I have NAM wind models that I create map from but I am struggling to add average wind direction vectors. How do I convert the U and V vectors so they give avera

Changing values in a raster

I have a raster file (created in QGIS, from a vectorial file). I would like to know if it is possible, in R: 1) to change the values of the pixels? (I believ

The raster overlay function in R produces incorrect values for raster bricks

I'm trying to quantile match two RasterBricks. I am finding the percentile of value<=250 in old_data, which we'll call p. Then I'm finding the value at the p

Mapbox studio - png labels layer - transparency showing up as black

I have created some custom styles in mapbox studio. They are essentially just the mapbox outdoors style and the mabpox satellite style, each customized, separa

GeoDataFrame is Inverted when I converted from Raster to Vector using RasterIO

I'm currently using this code to convert a raster file to a geodataframe: import rasterio from rasterio.features import shapes mask = None with