Category "marker"

How to add a drawable image in a map marker

I want to add an image into my map marker, I don't know why this code is not working. The marker is not displaying in my current location. Here is the code. @O

How to test logstash Marker in Junit

I have to create a Junit test for my class logging Map<String, Object> mapMarker = new HashMap<>(); mapMarker.put("input_source", "test_input_source

Multiple color fills in matplotlib markers

I want to use multiple colors in a marker made with matplotlib. Doing two colors was not that difficult, following this example, and with some additional info f

Is there a way on Flutter to identify and navigate to a marker from my current Location?

I have a group of markers which I retrieved and plotted on a google maps interface. I have also implement a geolocator package that gets users location. So I ha