Category "r"

Is this a panel data set (multiple individuals and two variables from different points of time)?

I have a dataset with multiple individuals and two variables from different points of time, for example: Company Employees at t=1 (before a specific event) Rev

Import multiple Excel files with names in R as a list

Consider I have two Excel files in my subdirectionary: .../Myfolder/File1.xlsx .../Myfolder/File2.xlsx I know that I can read them into R as a list using the f

Statistical difference between linear regressions

I have a statistical question on which I am stuck: Imagine you have 5 corn fields. You know the number of corn plant there is in each fields. You know want to c

Kable table: how to keep duplicate rownames, add arrows to indicate effect direction and add values to the pack_rows header row

I am trying to format an ANOVA style output for my paper using kableExtra. I want to make it automatic to avoid mistakes. I need to glue together several ANOVA

Is it possible to create a stratified table (tbl_strata) using tbl_svysummary()?

I am pretty new to survey data and gtsumarry package. I'm trying to create a stratified table from the survey data using the following code, and I get the error

NLP textEmbed function

I am trying to run the textEmbed function in R. Set up needed: require(quanteda) require(quanteda.textstats) require(udpipe) require(reticulate) #udpi

Multiply without eliminate information

I have a dataframe and I would like to maintain information. My data frame is like: a <- c("a","b", "c", "d") b <- c("e","f", "g", "h") c <- c(1, 2, 1,

R shiny : display text as code on several lines

I would like to display some R code on my shiny app. Therefore, I used verbatimTextOutput but I can't find a way to break lines and to display paragraphs of cod

Summing NAs in each row in a new column

for (i in 1:nrow(survey_clean)) { for(j in 1:ncol(survey_clean)) { survey_clean$invalid_answers[i] <- sum(survey_clean$old_col == survey_clean$ol

why a specific model is not appropriate, given a data with 6 variables (they are chr variables)

i want to show why a specific model is not appropriate, given a data with 6 variables (they are chr variables) the model is y= abc*(x1+x2) a and b from the data

Copy a Shiny DT cell to users clipboard

Based on this question: I want to select a row in a shiny datatable and want to copy the content of a specific cell to the clipboard. What I've got so far: libr

Using jupyter R kernel with visual studio code

For python jupyter notebooks I am currently using VSCode python extension. However I cannot find any way to use alternative kernels. I am interested in jupyter

A better way to write dplyr pipes? (without using dollar sign) [closed]

Quite often when using the tidyverse to manipulate data, I come up with a situation like the one below. Can someone explain why option 3 works

Muliple table captions in DT in R

I'm following the example from here: I can get a caption above the table with: library(DT) datatable( head(iris), caption =

ifelse is giving me NAs when I want 0s

I am trying to create a variable using ifelse, and would like the column to be 0 when the condition is not true, but they are showing up as NA. Any tips? df$z &

par('usr') equivalent command for grid?

When grid package is used to plot a figure, I want to find out something similar to par('usr') as in base R graphics. What command can do it? https://r-graph-ga

Reactive bar chart in shiny R

I am trying build a reactive bar chart in shiny app. I have a small table named stats Team wins loss draws Arsenal 533 120 256 Chelsea 489 20

How can I switch values between columns for specific rows?

I was building my data set for some accounting work and accidentally made a mistake. I'd like to switch every instance of a Credit (column journalItemLine_credi

possible to implement two sequential flyTo in leaflet R

I would like to create a Leaflet Map which renders at a default location, at a zoom level of 4, and then when the user clicks the go button, pans from location

How to prevent ifelse statement from clearing out previous data?

I'm trying to import some accounting data to a new software and need to add a debit column journalItemLine_debitAmount and a credit column journalItemLine_credi