Category "python-2.x"

How can I use Python 2 on Google Colab?

How can I use the earlier version of Python i.e version 2.x? Under the 'change runtime' option - I can see the option for selecting hardware accelerator.

Writing a Factorial function in one line in Python

I am looking to improve my coding by performing the same code in different ways, this not only is to help me become better at coding but also understand differe

How to reinstall python@2 from Homebrew?

I have been having issues with openssl and python@2 with brew, which have explained here (unresolved). The documented workaround to reinstall Python and openssl

Why does comparison of bytes with str fails in Python 3?

In Python 3 this expression evaluates as False: b"" == "" While in Python 2 this comparison is True: u"" == "" Checking for identity with is obviously fails i

Error in Python Tutorial Example Code?

I'm working my way through the python tutorial here and the following code is used as an example. >>> def fib(n): # write Fibonacci series up to n

ZipFile.testzip() returning different results on Python 2 and Python 3

Using the zipfile module to unzip a large data file in Python works correctly on Python 2 but produces the following error on Python 3.6.0: BadZipFile: Bad CRC

Integer division in Python

I'm confused about the following integer math in python: -7/3 = -3 since (-3)*3 = -9 < -7. I understand. 7/-3 = -3 I don't get how this is defined. (-3)*(-

How to generate a matrix with circle of ones in numpy/scipy

There are some signal generation helper functions in python's scipy, but these are only for 1 dimensional signal. I want to generate a 2-D ideal bandpass filte

How to return dictionary keys as a list in Python?

In Python 2.7, I could get dictionary keys, values, or items as a list: >>> newdict = {1:0, 2:0, 3:0} >>> newdict.keys() [1, 2, 3] Now, in