Category "presto"

Splitting an array into columns in Athena/Presto

I feel this should be simple, but I've struggled to find the right terminology, please bear with me. I have two columns, timestamp and voltages which is the a

Presto fails to import PARQUET files from S3

I have a presto table that imports PARQUET files based on partitions from s3 as follows: create table ( tUnixEpoch varchar, tDateTi

Amazon Athena partition with colon(:) is not working

When creating partition in Athena, I tried to use the date in the format (yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ) then I am not able to query the data Step 1: Create table CREA

How to pivot a table in Presto?

Let be a table named data with columns time, sensor, value : I want to pivot this table on Athena (Presto) to get a new table like this one : To do so, one ca

How to create Dataframe form presto db table of Array Data type column using spark

I am trying to create spark Dataframe from presto db table which has few columns as Array DataType. I tried multiple ways but I am getting same exception java.s

way to check if two intervals overlap in amazon Athena / Presto

I am wondering if we have a way to check if two dates overlap in amazon athena (when writing an athena query) . I can do this in R / Python using the int_overla

How to break datetime in 12 hour chunks and use it for aggregation in Presto SQL?

I have been trying to break the datetime in 12 hour chunk in Presto SQL but was unsuccessful. Raw data table: datetime Login 2022-05-08 07:10:00.000 1234 2022

Query (SQL like joins) remote CSV for data analysis

I would like to query (SQL with joins) CSV files sitting in a network folder for performing data analysis work. I'm not allowed to move the files out of the net

How can I convert an integer representing EPOCH time to a timestamp in Athena (Presto)?

I have a table where the datetime is stored as varchar but represents the EPOCH time (e.g. 1556895150). How can I get that value to be recognized as a timestamp

String to YYYY-MM-DD date format in Athena

So I've looked through documentation and previous answers on here, but can't seem to figure this out. I have a STRING that represents a date. A normal output l

Converting bigint to timestamp in presto

I have a column in my dataset that has a datatype of bigint: Col1 Col2 1 1519778444938790 2 1520563808877450 3 1519880608427160 4

How to merge rows by a similar column via levenshtein distance

I'm using AWS Athena and I'm trying to merge all the rows which have a specific column with levenshtein_distance value lower then 5 and sum the normalised perce