Category "documentation"

How to build the documentation of an FFI crate when the native library is not present?

I have a "sys" crate that links statically to a library: Cargo.toml: [package] links = "foo-1.0" fn main() { println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=d

React hooks documentation generator

What is the best way to generate documentation for React hooks in .jsx and .tsx files? I tried TypeDoc, but I do not get any comments from function methods. c

Is there a standard for mentioning variables within comments?

I understand that, in principle, modern programming languages are intended to be used in a manner where the code written is self-documenting. However, I was tau

OpenAlex API - How to get institution ID?

I am trying to use the OpenAlex API: This API provides access to a catalog of scholarly papers, authors, institutions, etc... It i

phpDoc class constants documentation

How do I document class constants for phpDoc? I've read the manual but I can't find anything about them.

phpDoc class constants documentation

How do I document class constants for phpDoc? I've read the manual but I can't find anything about them.