Category "powershell-core"

Pester test is failing when an expected error is thrown

I'm trying to use Pester for PowerShell to test some of my code, but I'm unable to get Pester to work in relation to errors. Take this very basic example - us

Toggle between fullscreen editor and terminal in VS Code

As a Windows systems admin, I use PowerShell quite a lot. With the release of PS Core, and the implication that the ISE is dead, I've started to try to use VS C

How to pass a custom function inside a ForEach-Object -Parallel

I can't find a way to pass the function. Just variables. Any ideas without putting the function inside the ForEach loop? function CustomFunction { Param (

How to write to debug stream with PowerShell Core so it's captured by SysInternals DBGVIEW.EXE

I have scores of scripts that use the OutputDebugString Windows API to output meaningful state information so that when they're running in Production, I can pul