Category "powershell"

Powershell exits on where cmdlet

I'm writing a script that should run two python apps and then cycle through solution files, searching for new and updated files with py and json extensions and

Write-Output -InputObject (,'Test') -NoEnumerate

I think this is a bug that only applies to PowerShell Windows 5.1: The -NoEnumerate switch doesn't work when the input is provided via the named -InputObject a

Is there a way to listen to mouse event in windows?

I want to write a script that runs a specific PowerShell command when one of my mouse's additional buttons is clicked. Example: Clicking the third mouse's butto

Connection to the Jupyter Notebook Server could not be established

For the past many months I am trying to code in Jupyter Notebook but whenever I open Jupyter Notebook, then, I see a message where it is written 'A connection t

Selenium/Powershell/Linux: Connection refused [::ffff:]:39343 (localhost:39343)

I'm trying to use a chrome driver on a linux virtual machine. I use selenium on powershell. When I run the following command: $driver = Start-SeChrome Here i

C# IDymanicParameters for powershell cmdlet required in both Parent and Child Class

We can define dynamic parameters for Powershell commandlets by adding IDynamicParameters and implementing it's GetDynamicParameters() method that creates the dy

How can I execute custom code using Flow?

I've made a PowerApps app which uploads an image to SharePoint. When Flow detects that this image is uploaded, I want to run a custom script that can interact w

PowerShell, auto load functions from internet on demand

It was pointed out to me (in PowerShell, replicate bash parallel ping) that I can load a function from the internet as follows: iex (irm https://raw.githubuserc

How to automate the setting of Google as default search engine in Microsoft Edge (Chromium based) via PowerShell?

I would like to automate an operation of setting Google as a default search engine in Microsoft Edge (Chromium based) via PowerShell in non-corporate deployment

powershell script to list all sub-folders in an Outlook Inbox

New powershell user here. I want a list of all folders and subfolders and subsubfolders etc. from an Outlook Inbox Add-Type -assembly "Microsoft.Office.Interop

Touch command not working in Terminal of VSC

I'm new and still trying to figure out how to configure my development environment. I'm getting an error when using the touch command in Visual Studio Code. I c

How to fix "running scripts is disabled on this system"?

When I try to run ionic commands like ionic serve in the terminal in VS Code, it gives the following error. How can I fix this? ionic : File C:\Users\Lakshan\Ap

Powershell taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe /T without killing the developer version with the same .exe name?

I've got a macro looping with powershell and at the end of a run to clean up it kills and restarts the browser, Standard FireFox version firefox.exe Using: task

Script path of PowerShell task Azure DevOps release

I have PowerShell script, that I would like to use in deployments of Dynamics 365 to migrate an Access Team Template to our Test and Prod environments. I have a

PowerShell - Need to test if item contained in a list

I have an object that holds a list of patches (actually 2 lists) One of the patches in the list contains the words "Cumulative Update" in his title so I run in

How to monitor for new evets in eventlog and trigger an action

I would like to know the logic or the piece of powershell code that can be used to monitor for a service shutdown event and trigger an action. So when the servi

Add new entries to the Windows Credentials Vault

I want to be able to add multiple entries to my Windows Credentials Vault using PowerShell. I searched a bit and came across this code: [Windows.Security.Creden

Powershell. Why where {} directive can not find two matching DeviceID? One taken from Win32_VideoController, another from Regedit value

Here is code # | Get DeviceID and Name of GPUs presented in system $GPU_Inf = Get-CIMInstance -Query "SELECT Caption, PNPDeviceID from Win32_VideoController" #

open HTML from PowerShell with URL parameters

I am trying to open a HTML file in Microsoft Edge browser from PowerShell. Below code opens HTML in Microsoft edge &'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\A

Running Powershell script in Jenkins Declarative pipeline

I want to run Powershell script on agent from Jenkins declarative pipeline. It hangs on the script execution step (click on Job logs) and i have to forcefully e