Category "css-transitions"

How to resize background-color and adjust its position?

I have an image and when i hover it, background color changes, but I want to change the size and position. .hoverme:hover { background-color: #f7b0ee; b

CSS transitions always start at user agent style sheet

I'm currently fiddling with a website, and I wanted to animate a button's background color on hover. Unfortunately, the button will always start as white (brows

Adding transition to Side nav bar

I have a site with a side navigation bar that is supposed to slide in via the right side, then when you close it, it transitions back into the side. When design

CSS flip card flicker on Safari and broken scroll

I have a flip card that displays content on the front and back. Front content determines the height of the card. The card back should be the same height as th

CSS: Animation vs. Transition

So, I understand how to perform both CSS3 transitions and animations. What is not clear, and I've googled, is when to use which. For example, if I want to make

CSS how to make an element fade in and then fade out?

I can make an element with an opacity of zero fade in by changing its class to .elementToFadeInAndOut with the following css: .elementToFadeInAndOut { opac