Category "powermockito"

org.powermock.api.mockito.ClassNotPreparedException when it's declared to be prepared

I don't understand why this is showing since my test definitely asked PowerMock to prepare for it. @PrepareForTest({AmazonSQSClientBuilder.class}) @RunWith(Powe

how to mock UUID?

is it possible to mock UUID? or any problem in my Source Code? Look at exmaple: MyTest Class @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class) @PrepareForTest({UUID.class,Ac

mock-maker-inline - Could not initialize inline Byte Buddy mock maker (power-mockito + jdk 8 + bytebuddy)

I am using Powermockito to mock and spy static classes. Version: 2.0.4 Also using mockito-core version 3.0.0. In, one of my projects, i am able to mockStatic b