Category "jpeg"

Want some guide about how to use nvjpegEncodeYUV()

I am trying to implement some jpeg encoding cuda code based one a sample code below: I pos

Is there a way to store image from the google storage buckets as JPEG locally?

So currently I have images stored in gcp storage. When I fetch an image, I receive a File object with several parameters. Being one of them mediaLink with a for

Cant save webp format with imagick

Im developing a panel in which Im uploading a jpg, it copies it, resizes it, saves another jpg and now I want also to be able to create a copy but using webp ex

How to save JPEG/RAW image data to camera roll in iOS 11, can't access processed image data

I'm attempting to write a photoapp that can take both RAW and JPEG images and save them to the camera roll. The functions jpegPhotoDataRepresentation and dngPho

Use PowerShell to extract GPS Latitude etc. (Properties > Details) from an image file

I am looking for a way to extract the GPS Latitude and Longitude values from a lot of .jpg files. I know that Exiftool can sort of do it, but as the values I'm

Check for corrupted JPEG files in Java

I need a fast Java way to check if a JPEG file is valid or if it's a truncated / corrupted image. I tried to do it in a couple of ways: using the javax.ImageI

JPEG Compression using OpenCV

I'm trying to perform a basic JPEG Compression (DCT + quantization + IDCT) using OpenCV not using entropy-encoding/Huffman-coding. The problem is that after I d

Changing all files' extensions in a folder with one command on Windows

How can I use the Windows command line to change the extensions of thousands of files to *****.jpg?