Category "pixi.js"

how make pattern of array based on row column

I am trying to make a new map array also image random (you can say it is like a slot machine): get arrayCardsID() { const cards = Lib.arrShuffle(

how make pattern of array based on row column

I am trying to make a new map array also image random (you can say it is like a slot machine): get arrayCardsID() { const cards = Lib.arrShuffle(

pixijs text is cutted

I'm trying to draw text in pixijs app stage and the text is cut off a bit. See the screenshot below. I've tried to put it inside container but I can't fix it.

Dynamically resize the pixi stage and it's contents on window resize and window load

I'm trying to dynamically resize the pixi stage (canvas and contents) on window resize. And also have it initially load at the size of the browser window witho

How to change the line cap in PIXI.js?

I'm trying to draw a line with rounded corners onto a Graphics object with PIXI.js. I use the moveTo() and lineTo() commands to draw the line, but that causes i

How do I import Pixi.js into a TypeScript project?

I'm new to Pixi.js but I have some past experience with TypeScript. I'm really struggling to import Pixi.js into my project. I got a small Pixi.js project runni