Category "nginx-reverse-proxy"

nginx not redirecting localy but ok from other networks

i am having troubles with nginx. The problem is that when i access from the phone or laptop over data connection or on friends wifi it works. But

NGINX Reverse Proxy - Preload the cache

NGINX Reverse Proxy is working well. Using the cache it's possible to store static content on every Reverse Proxy to reduce traffic on the main server. I can se

Run ingress nginx as a reverse proxy for kibana with appid oauth2 provider

I've read a number of similar questions on here and blogs online, I've tried a number of configuration changes but cannot seem to get anything to work. I'm usin

Flask SERVER_NAME setting best pratices

Since my app has background tasks, I use the Flask context. For the context to work, the Flask setting SERVER_NAME should be set. When the SERVER_NAME is set th

Nginx: In which order rate limiting and caching are executed?

I want to use nginx for rate limiting and caching. In which order nginx applies them? In other words, is it limiting only request to the upstream server or al

nginx 431 Request Header Fields Too Large

Recently, the size of data in our cookies has become larger, and all of the requests that go through nginx started getting rejected with 431 error responses. I

Nginx: log the actual forwarded proxy_pass request URI to upstream

I've got the following nginx conf: http { log_format upstream_logging '[proxied request] ' '$server_name$request_uri -> $ups

Containerized Keycloak behind Nginx not working (502 Bad Gateway)

I need to serve containerized keycloak behind Nginx. Keycloak runs without any problem at 'localhost:8080' but when I try to access it through the reverse proxy

502 Bad Gateway for Proxy Pass to HTTPS API server sitting behind Cloudflare Proxy

My current configuration is as shown below. I have frontend delivered from EC2 instance on VM1. The HTTPS API server is on VM2 proxied by Cloudfare. If I call t

Nginx cofig can't read the static with 404 ERR_ABORTED

system: ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS nginx: nginx/1.14.0 (Ubuntu) Hi, I am trying Nginx to proxy reverse a service(doccano) to my prod path and need some help, below is t

Not able to see URL without trailing slash in NGINX

I know that this is a common issue in NGINX and there are many threads about that. Issue: When accessing the URL http://localhost/var without trailing slash is

Nginx compress mime types with parameters

I have Nginx reverse proxying my service that works by OData protocol. I'm trying to enable compression for theese requests by putting #... gzip on; gzip_type

Bearer token for upstream server with NGINX reverse proxy. Is the header being stripped?

I have a Tomcat server that is behind an NGINX reverse proxy applying SSL. There is a bearer token in place for API calls on the Tomcat server, but I am getting

nginx reverse proxy error: The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable

I have a Nginx reverse proxy. I config it like this : server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server; ser

Nginx reverse proxy issue long request

I'm stuck on a problem for a long time now with two nginxs server which the first is acting as a reverse proxy and the second as the backend server. Here is my