Category "php"

How to fix Call to undefined method App\Models\TableName::factory?

I have created a seeder that populates data in Laravel but was having a BadMethodCallException Call to undefined method App\Models\Project::factory(). Why is th

how to solve laravel/horizon v4.3.3 requires ext-pcntl problem

I'm using Windows operating system. I've also tried with these solutions available here: link 1) PHP pcntl module installation link 2) How to install PCNTL exte

How to get R and S values from ECDSA signature using PHP

I am working on Signature of data using ECDSA from Starkbank library and I can get the base64 format of the signature value MEUCIALlD6Xsd0Xdj7XTrD2gP4Q3PlssTxLO

Use Product Variants Select in Cart Prestashop

I'm developing a cross sell module that will display products in cart that you can add to cart by clicking the button add to cart. I need to take consideration

"code": 403, "message": "Forbidden" when requesting data from YouTube Analytics API in youtube api document

I am creating an app related to customer service and marketing through social media and YouTube are the project i am working on. I have a job to obtain ads rela

how to youtube api data to print in toolset metabox using a button click before save-post

i create a metabox with 'import' button in post.php. Also, ready for youtube api data code. but i need, 'when i click 'import' button to run youtube api data fu

How to split a multi value sql column into three single result

So I have a SQL column that stores data like this. "[1338,0,8523]" I was wondering if I can then garb each one individually and because the value is minutes, i

Laravel passport auth token not working after moving to different server

I have created this small app using laravel + vue js 2 years ago. It has been working fine till now but the server guys moved it to different server and suddenl

Save and restore position X Y of HTML elements in a DB with PHP

Im trying to make a floor planner like page for tables of a Restaurant. Every square of the page represent a table and they are draggable. <div id="drag-1

The session is not working properly in PHP

The session is not working properly in PHP. The login page is working fine. But after redirecting to my home page I couldn't able to see my login details it thr

Prestashop Dynamic Pricing PHP

I am trying to make a fully customizable product page and then add the product to the cart. However I'm struggling to be able to make a temporary price for that

PHP - installing Xdebug on Mac with XAMPP (Unix File)

I have a trouble installing Xdebug on my PHP project. I am on macOS Monterey M1 and I am using XAMPP for launching project on PHP version 7.4.28. I followed the

phpword dompdf docx to pdf special character

<?php include 'vendor/autoload.php'; $phpWord = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\PhpWord(); $domPdfPath = realpath('vendor/dompdf/dompdf'); \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Setti

Exception thrown during the rendering of a template("Parameter "id" for route "url" must match "[^/]++" ("" given) to generate a corresponding URL.")

I have a delete button which is created here: _delete_form.html.twig <form method="post" action="{{ path('finals_delete', {'id':}) }}" onsubmit="ret

Symfony 4: how to allow dynamic values for array nodes in bundle configuration?

In the Configuration of my bundle I have defined the following for example: $treeBuilder = new TreeBuilder('foo'); $treeBuilder ->getRootNode() -&

inside a script module, try to import js files with twig asset() (error: myalias.x is not a function)

[ Environment: symfony (PHP), twig files with HTML/JS code, and Managing assets with Webpack ] Files Tree _assets |__js |__file.js |__library |_

How Can I Do LIMIT 1, 2 In WP_Query

I am using Wp_Query method and I want to learn is there any parameter to limit my query. I try to use LIMIT 1,2 in WP_Query. Thanks for advance! $args = array

How to chunk and generate pdf using dompdf in codeigniter for large data set

I have to generate a pdf file for very large data set (more than 1M). Can anyone explain how to chunk those data set into smaller units and download all data in

how to solve openssl problem on windows 11 pro while working on symfony jwt authentication generating key pair

openssl rsa -pubout -in app/var/jwt/private.pem -out app/var/jwt/public.pem openssl : The term 'openssl' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, sc

How to use functions that are declared in snippets in Evolution CMS (Modx) in an external PHP Script?

I am using Evolution CMS (Modx) and have several functions declared (in snippets). Those functions I can include in Evo CMS by calling e.g. $modx->runSnippet