Category "php"

XSS attack still works despite htmlspecialchars() doing its work

hi i am trying to filter outputs of users who will put free text and wanna prevent XSS attacks so i tried this function i made to check <?php $patterns = [

Is there an equivalent of DynamoDB on Azure as a PHP session Handler

Is there a equivalent of DynamoDB on Azure as a PHP session Handler? I found some very old articles online suggesting to use Azure Table Storage but it doesn't

PHP script send scheduled firebase notification

I need to schedule the push notifications that offered by firebase cloud messaging by using a PHP code without cron job. I'm currently using this code to push n

Codeigniter 4 throws errors 'user_group' keyword

This is how I print incoming requests to the screen. var_dump($this->request->getVar()); Incoming Data order: user_group order_type: asc Output array(1

how to display a view on laravel 8 and not have a 404 NOT FOUND page?

I try to display a view but I get a 404 not found error, but my code seems correct this is the route created Route::get('talk',[\App\Http\Controllers\TalkContro

I'm trying to use curl with php but getting this error:Could not resolve host: Bearer

I'm trying to make a request using curl with php, but I'm getting the following error. Could I be using curl wrong? I generate $jwt on top lines exec("curl -v -

Problem filtering wordpress custom post type using get_query_var()

I'm new in the forum so I apologize for any mistake I could make. I'm customizing a custom post type archive page and while creating it, I'd like to insert a li

How do I fix the POST 405 error for an email form (PHP) hosted on http-server?

I am new to PHP and jQuery. I wanted to test the functionality for the email contact form in PHP that I call from my jQuery file. I have been filling in the det

How to properly use AWS SQS

I was looking for a good way to manage a lot of background tasks, and i found out AWS SQS. My software is coded in PHP. To complete a background task, the wor

how to get name from url dynamically

How to get a part of the url? query to be made: $name = 'LeSant'; // (from url dinamic) // $event = Dias::where('name', $name)->first(); How can I get name

How to delete old images from public folder on update using Laravel

I want to delete older images in public folder on update: My Controller code: try { $path = public_path('profile_images'); @mkdir($path, '0777', true);

Divi image module - generates a wrong path of image src

So when I create a page with an image module, the image cant be seen. And when I inspect the element the divi image module generates a wrong image src url - It

Mysqli multi query error

I need to execute two or more queries at a time, fetch them one after another. Then I need to bind param and bind result in each one of them. I am trying this

MySQL - Connection failed: No route to host

Confused why getting this issue while trying to connect to my DB. Connection failed: No route to host <?php $servername = "HOST"; $username = "USERNAME

Querying "fid"s for executing a task in MyBB

The task below overwhelms my PHP skills. That's why I'm asking for help here. In the MyBB forum, when registering, users must: Provide a 5-digit invoice number.

Cart's update on subpages

My cart doesn't want to update on subpages, even though I basically copied the same code from index.php (including the script). I checkec twice and everything i

XDebug not working in VScode for php debugging

PHP debugging in vscode using xdebug and xampp is not working even after all configurations. here is my php.ini file config: zend_extension = D:\Xampp\php\e

Problem with fetching data from database in Laravel

I have a search form to list properties/ads through certain criteria. I am trying to fetch all properties based on offer or demand, depending on what is clicked

how to remove particular text from request url

My request url like this localhost/details?hotelid=2--tag&checkin=2022-05-13&checkout=2022-05-15&room=1 i want to like this localhost/details?hotel

how can I set a session variable in Drupal 8 and get it in a php script?

I'm working in a custom module for drupal 8. I have a form and I'm trying to send by means of a submit button some data from my custom module to another php scr