Category "performance"

All else held equal, which is the faster querying option: Milvus, RocksDB, or Apache HBase

I have a requirement to store billions of records (with capacity up to one trillion records) in a database (total size is in terms of petabytes). The records ar

JMETER Performance Testing - Dynamic Payload

While doing performance testing via JMETER, I encountered one usecase where the POST request call is taking the dynamic data from the website. So in that case w

Is there a tool like fiddler that supports http2?

I tend to user fiddler for its autoresponder (testing how latency or invalid responses will impact overall page loads) and only just now realized that http2 is

Detectron2 Speed up inference instance segmentation

I have working instance segmentation, I'm using "mask_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x" model. When I inference image it takes about 3 second / image on GPU. How can I speed u

How to use unsafe get a byte slice from a string without memory copy

I have read about "" about no-copy conversion from []byte to string. I am wondering if there is a way to convert a str

BIND 9 restart performance with DNSSEC

At the moment i experimenting with the restart performance of BIND9 (version 9.16.17). With 26000 active zones in the named.conf, the restart is roundabout 10 s

Rstudio very slow when editing large code

RStudio is working well in general (v 2021.09.1 Build 372). But when a large code (7000 lines, a collection of functions) is being edited, even a click on the t

Performance issues when iterating numpy array

I have a 3D array of image such as [ [ [225, 0, 0], [225, 225, 0], ... ], [ [225, 0, 0], [225, 225, 0],

git - Push to all branch but only have same code? with follow up question

Did git can push to all branch but Only have same code? I mean if i have 3 branch like ver_light, ver_medium, and ver_heavy. = ver_light \controller\a \control

JS How can I increase the performance of this Max/Min coding challenge?

I'm trying to solve some '' coding challenges. I'm stuck on this one: You will be given an array of integers arr and a single integer k. You must

Simple practical example to see faster async functions and promises from node 10 to node 12, and up

Before I ask my question I want to make this clearly, I know benchmarks never tell the whole story. But my goal here is relatively simple, I want to see the per

Does length of CSS code determine the loading speed of website? [duplicate]

I am beginner. I want to know, Does length of CSS code determine the loading speed of website?? Please tell me about relation of code and load

Find e-mail by body and sender

I am trying find e-mail that matches body text and sender. Each day I check if 300/400 emails were already sent. I need to iterate through more than 4500 emai

Catboost overfits training data but test performance increases

I'm training catboost on a dataset made of 41k observations and ~60 features. The dataset is a longitudinal series (9 years) that is spatially distributed. At t

VS profiler, source information not available

I'm trying to use visual studio performance profiler for the first time and I'm interested in a specific function of mine which is successfully detected by the

Azure Durable Function: Fan Out vs. Parallel.ForEachAsync

I have to run a function on a list of items. I'm using Azure Durable Functions, and can run the items in parallel using their fan out/fan in strategy. However,

How to increase speed of video playback within Python using openCV [duplicate]

I am writing a program that draws a line on a video where the first pixels of the railing are encountered, my problem is that the video playba

SQL How to get categories that don't contain products?

SELECT DISTINCT {} FROM {BrandCategory AS c JOIN CategoryProductRelation AS c2p ON {} = {c2p.source} JOIN Product AS p

How to add Infrastructure Agent to Heroku applications

I am attempting to have the New Relic Infrastructure Agent monitor my heroku applications. The documentation says to run the following: docker run \ -d \ --name

Using one loop vs two loops

I was reading this blog :- And I decided to check it out using C++ and Xcode. So, I