Category "wpf-controls"

Width problem with * (star) in WPF Grid - ColumnDefinition

I have tried ColumnDefinition Width="5*" and also with 3*, 1* to ColumnDefinition which aplied to Grid container and the parent control is ListBox but it does

WPF Label Justify & Distribute Text

I have a Label just displaying a title. How can I justify the text? and how can I distribute the text? Can I use a label or do I have to use another control?

WPF TreeView in ControlTemplate - Handling Item Expanded

I am creating a Custom Control and in the control template I have a TreeView class in it. <Style TargetType="{x:Type local:MyControl}"> <Setter Proper

How to scroll Listview Item to a next item on click the next Item Programatically Wpf

I am trying to build a scrollable Calendar. I am getting values from a JSON dynamically from which I am using minimum year and maximum year and so on. Below is