Category "passwords"

CredentialProviderFactory - conf.getPassword from jceks file breaks if the password contains a $

I am trying to extract the password from jceks file in hdfs. import val conf = new org.apache.hadoo

Python throws "zipfile.BadZipFile: Bad CRC-32" ONLY when I pass "D" as password

I'm trying to create a Python script that tests passwords on password protected zip files. The only problem is that whenever I try to pass specifically "D" as t

Masking Password in VBA Excel Input Box

Could someone please help me to mask the password entered to the input box generated using the below code. I will be using Office 365 ProPlus. Option Explicit P

Java - ATM Banking login with 3 times try pin lock

I'm new to java programming. I'm trying to make a banking system log-in that locks the user after entering the wrong pin 3 times. I'm trying to merge 2 pieces o

Python password reset Pexpect script execution have no effects afterword's, it throws no errors during execution

import pexpect import pxssh import sys child1 = pexpect.spawn('su root -c "passwd mansingh"') print(child1.before) #creation of log file child1.logfile = open(

Target [Laravel\Fortify\Contracts\ResetsUserPasswords] is not instantiable

I am implementing the forgot password / password reset logic with Laravel 8 and Fortify for an SPA application. When the /reset-password is called and if the da

Powershell Creating Password Expiration Report

I am trying to create a password expiration report that runs once a week and I want to grab 7 days of it at a time. The current script that I have been creatin

Python's zipfile library can't extract password protected file

For some reason, Python's zipfile library cannot extract the files in this password-protected zipfile archive. Here is the code I used: import zipfile zip_file

Why does iOS Password Autofill not prompt to save password on keychain?

I am setting up iOS Autofill Password in my app, and I followed all the guidelines in this tutorial

Bitbucket: is there some user password other than Atlassian password?

I used bitbucket a lot in the past (mostly because of the private repos). Have not used it for a while and now I always get "fatal: Authentication failed" error

cant generate sign apk

I can't generate signed apk with android studio 2.1.3 after installing new windows 10. I have my password and I'm sure the password is correct but when I try to

How to apply Shamir's Secret Sharing on strings passwords

I was trying to write a simple code to generate and obtain passwords using Shamir's secret sharing method. My question is: How can I apply this to string passwo

How to add see password icon just for chrome and Firefox?

I implemented a see password button for my password input using html and jquery so when I run it in Microsoft Edge and IE the browsers themselves have one butto

Could not get unknown property 'RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD' for SigningConfig_Decorated{name=debugY

I've been having this problem recently as I'm searching everywhere, also here in stack, I see a lot of different answers. Does anybody know how to solve this on

Setting up password using inputbox to hide/unhide excel sheet

I've recently made a MCQ test module that will help in preparing test papers with random questions from the question bank and conduct test and calculate the mar

How to store password field in oracle 11g database in encrypted form?

I have a table in database with this structure: Username Password Age email Address Phone Number I want to store this table's data manually(not by an input

How to store password field in oracle 11g database in encrypted form?

I have a table in database with this structure: Username Password Age email Address Phone Number I want to store this table's data manually(not by an input

How to securely store a user password in java for reuse throughout application

At the start of my Java application, I have the user enter his username and password. These credentials are stored in a ConnectionKey object which is used as th

HTML: Chrome save password

Firefox and IE ask me to save the password. Why doesn't Chrome ask me? What do I have to change? <body> <form action="" name="formlogin" id="form

How to Force Postgresql User Login with Password

All I did is in my local machine(Mac OS). After installing the postgresql, I created a user named poet with password, then created a database named poems and th