Category "virtualenv"

Python program works only from pycharm, not somewhere else

The script works fine when I run it in pycharm, but if I run it from somewhere else it just doesn't work. When I run it via cmd it gives me this error: Tracebac

Could not build wheels for _ which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly - Easy Solution

I am trying to install a package which uses PEP 517. The newest version of Pip won't allow me to install due to an error involving wheel building for 517. In th

Pip cannot find metadata file - EnvironmentError

Whenever I run pip to install the Flask packages like virtualenv in Ubuntu 16.04, I get this error: pip install virtualenv Requirement already satisfied: virt

DJango deployment on Apache24 not working

I am new to web frameworks and I have designed small website using DJango-3.1.7. I am trying to deploy DJango website on Apache server in Windows 10 platform bu

Cronjob: Run Python script on server in virtual env

I went through tons of questions and answers in the net. However, I couldnt make my code work. So sorry for raising this question as so many others did. I have

Cannot import packages installed in new Conda environment

I am trying to make my own conda python environment on HPC server, and something very strange is happening. The problem After creating a new conda environment,

Issues installing opencv 3.2 on python 3.6

How can i install OpenCV 3.2 in linux? Firstly, conda install -c menpo opencv3=3.2.0 installs but gives this import error: File "<stdin>", line 1, in &l

Numpy 1.11 doesn't install in virtualenv @ Ubuntu Studio

I have Python 3 virtualenv set up @ 4.15.0-23-lowlatency #25-Ubuntu. Inside virtualenv I have numpy1.14 installed. I want to install numpy1.11. I get the error:

How to get reticulate to access virtual environment

I have a pre-existing virtual environment set up for my python requirements, D:/SC/venv. I am trying to import data from a pickle into RStudio. I gather that in

Gunicorn wont install to virtualenv

I have a Python Django project that I'm serving using Gunicorn. Gunicorn was installed inside my virtualenv, and was working fine. I set up an ftpd on my ser

uwsgi error: "celery: not found" with celery run in a venv with attach-daemon2

If I run celery manually, from within my django app's virtual environment, it works: (hackerspace) 90158@hackerspace:~/hackerspace/src$ celery -A hackerspace_o

Virtual Environment Activation from Command Prompt Returns "The system cannot find the path specified" but Activates Venv Anyway?

I created a virtual environment in a Windows terminal using the standard: python -m venv {venv name} Everything works as far as I can tell, but when I change i

How do you set your pythonpath in an already-created virtualenv?

What file do I edit, and how? I created a virtual environment.

How to correct virtualenv command output

I am learning to use virtual environments like and I realize that by using the use the virtualenv command: virtualenv env_dj_cuatro my virtual environment is

The term '\venv\Scripts\activate.ps1' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program

I have been trying to get a venv to activate for the last week. Currently, the errors say The module 'venv' could not be loaded. For more information, run 'Impo

PkgResourcesDeprecationWarning: 0.1.36ubuntu1 is an invalid version, has anyone seen this before

/home/user/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pkg_resources/ PkgResourcesDeprecationWarning: 0.1.36ubuntu1 is an invalid version and will not be sup

Problem with virtual env: can't import installed packages in the virtualenv

I am doing some tests with virtualenv to see how it works and I think I ran into some trouble. First I created a folder and changed my path to it: $ mkdir n

Django: Error: You don't have permission to access that port

I'm very new to this whole setup so please be nice. On dev the command usually works with no errors but since I have been experimenting with different commands

Ubuntu 21.04, Virtualenv and its configuration of Python

EDIT: In addition to the behaviour outlined below, the Python3.10 based environment seems to be ignoring packages installed with the pip -e option (development

virtualenv to path on Windows 10

I have installed virtualenv (if I type "pip list" there is virtualenv (15.1.0)) and when I try to use it throws an error: virtualenv : The term 'virtualenv