Category "outlook"

Unable to extract Unique Identity for Emails sent from Safaricom Internal Mails ie Message ID (PHP IMAP)

I am having a challenge,I am unable to extract a unique field from emails sent directly from Safaricom Internal Mails to our Customer Service Mailbox. All other

Outlook cannot perform this action on this type of attachment

I am trying to save attachments from an email. I get the error message Outlook cannot perform this action on this type of attachment Using Debug.Print outAtta

How to differentiate Outlook folders to return visible folders only?

I pull the Outlook (365, Exchange server) folders like this: Dim otkApp As Outlook.Application = New Outlook.Application Dim otkNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace

Outlook - Auto Email Saved to Local Folder Once Sent

So sorry if this has been asked before, I have a need to save down each email I send into a local folder (These are then archived each month) and I have been us

Find e-mail by body and sender

I am trying find e-mail that matches body text and sender. Each day I check if 300/400 emails were already sent. I need to iterate through more than 4500 emai

Outlook Appointment isn't showing Attendees that have been added

I'm having some problems with some pieces of code that I've Frankenstein'd from the web. I have a Word document that uses a command button to run a piece of cod

How to send emails with delayed delivery in Outlook from R?

Using the RDCOMClient package in R, I am sending a series of automated emails from R. The emails need to be sent at a specific date and time, but I cannot figur

Programmatically set signatures in Outlook client using JAVA

I want to set signatures for multiple address in outlook client application. I read concepts using VBA and other scripts. But I want to do it in Java. I have al

How to get first names & last names of recipients of Outlook meeting invite?

I have a script to iterate through my calendar events that day and produce in a separate email a list in the following format: Event 1: Subject: When: Attendees

Flow will Create File in Sharepoint from an Outlook attachment but will not complete Update Files Property action

I am new to Flow but have created one that works well but would like it to do more. I have created a Flow that pulls any attachment from emails that land in my

How to fetch the conversation id from a .msg file using MAPIMessage

I'm trying to parse a .msg file. How do I get the conversation id? I'm using org.apache.poi.hsmf.MAPIMessage

How to get the smtp email address located on the left of the "on behalf of" address

I would like to get the email address from the true contact that is sending the mailItem. I don't want the on behalf email address. Is there a way to do that? O

Store name of email attachment - gives error on first run but works on second run

I'm attempting to open a dot .eml file stored locally and access the attachments file name with a excel macro. I've gathered some code that does the job but not

Set NewMessageSignature with Powershell without using Word

So far, the only way I've found to change the default New Message Signature in Outlook is by instantiating Word: $MSWord = New-Object -COMObject word.applicatio

Convert Outlook htmlrtf to html in perl

I managed to extract the RTF part from an Outlook .msg using Email::Outlook::Message. Here's how it looks: {\*\htmltag84 <b>}\htmlrtf {\b \htmlrtf0 {\*\ht

How to search for the name of the UserProperty in Outlook.MailItems, not their value

BACKGROUND: Currently I am searching Outlook.MailItems where their UserProperty (here, "IsProcessed") is equal to its propertyValue (here, true or false). st

Error saving attachments when they are embedded

I'm saving Outlook attachments (as part of a copy). I get an error message from the line objAtt.SaveAsFile strFile when the attachment is an embedded image. T

"Send file by email" from Acrobat Reader does NOT invokes Items.ItemAdd() event for "Sent Items" folder?

I have a VSTO addin with Outlook. I currently use the "Sent Items" Folder in my Items.ItemAdd() event to intercept the email to process and save it into a depos

How to round oMail.ReceivedTime to nearest minute?

I've a VBA macro that will save an email with the file name "yymmdd.hhmm.[Sender].[Recipient].[Subject Line].txt" that works almost the way I want. The issue is

VBA code in excel to copy a field and paste into a new outlook email [closed]

I currently have a vba code that is activated by a button in excel that copies certain information from the sheet into an outlook email. Havin