Category "tsc"

Create container module - export * as x from 'y'

I have this in a module: export const Category = require('./category'); export const Roles = require('./roles'); export const FunctionalTeams = require('./func

ts-node-dev not restarting when changes made

Here are my files : package.json : "scripts": { "generate-interfaces": "ts-node src/cli/generate-interfaces.ts", "dist": "npm run generate-interfaces &&

TypeScript tsc type check with references in monorepos

I'm using Yarn Workspaces, and I want a cli-command to check the types of my source ts files located at packages/*. Originally I build my project by using webpa

Typedoc / Typescript Compiler throws error on an imported type

Summary I am attempting to build documentation for a TypeScript project using Typedoc. Unfortunately, Typedoc is yielding errors on an import statement I use in

How do I compile Typescript at Heroku postinstall?

Instead of uploading the precompiled dist directory, I want to compile src at server side instead. Here are my scripts inside package.json: "scripts": { "

Cannot find module that is defined in tsconfig `paths`

I am trying to setup aliases for my mock server. Whenever I try to compile ts files, it returns error that it couldn't find proper modules even though those are

This is not the tsc command you are looking for

When I run tsc in the terminal (it does not matter where) I get returned: This is not the tsc command you are looking for I do not have TypeScript installed

error TS6059: File is not under 'rootDir' .. 'rootDir' is expected to contain all source files

I am getting this fairly non-sensical tsc transpilation error: error TS6059: File '/Users/alex/codes/interos/teros-cli/src/logging.ts' is not under 'roo