Category "osmnx"

Two nodes less than 1 mile apart on the same road fail to work in osmnx.shortest_path_length

I have successfully used osmnx.shortest_path_length to calculate many distances but these two nodes return : NetworkXNoPath: Node 9473072437 not reachable from

Is there any way to create the shortest path going through multiple (more than 2) different points using OSMNX?

I was wondering if there was a way to get the shortest path between an origin and a target, but with the path going through different points defined along the w

plot the GPS coordinates on ox.plot_graph

I have a GPS point, say (39.6654413, 20.8586396), then i can get the graph with method in OSMNx: ox.graph_from_point. I note that ox.plot_graph can plot this gr

Dividing streets to smaller segments in OSmnx

Is it possible to divide street segments to smaller parts in OSmnx? For instance let's say we want to divide a street in 10 meter segments or divide a street in