Category "openstack"

how openstacksdk get_port just through ip_address

How to get the special port information which only dependent on the ip-address field by openstacksdk API, like the result as the openstack-client tool show: # o

Openstack setup error (failed to create symbolic link '/var/run/ovn/openvswitch': File exists)

im working on a school project building an Openstack Cloud Computing and im following a guide video. The installation was smooth and then this error pops up: ln

How to deploy Hyperledger fabric on Openstack cloud?

I am working on Hyperledger Fabric for a time being. I want to deploy my Hyperledger to a cloud platform but only public cloud like AWS and Azure are supporting

issue with swift container and relative/absolute path

I wrote a script which uploaded some files from a VM cinderblock to a swift object store. Unfortunately, I used a relative path to specify the file to upload.

openstack image unset --property BadRequestException: 400

Version stein openstack, one image had set the property with hw_scsi_model='virtio-scsi', now I have to unset it, but can't work. # openstack image unset --prop

openstack nova-compute get AccessRefused error

Installing openstack ocata. When i install and configure the compute node i need to restart the nova-compute service, but this gives me the error below. When

Unable to run a script in HEAT/HOT Template

I'm unable to execute a script using the heat template and request some inputs. OpenStack --> Deploying an AWS Instance My HEAT template -- heat_template_

Copy a lot of files - Swift

I own Object Storage containers at OVH. I found how to copy a file from one container to another: swift copy -d /"Destination container" "Initial container" "Fi

tls unsigned certificate when using terraform

The microstack.openstack project recently enabled/required tls authentication as outlined here. I am working on deploying an openstack cluster to microstack usi

openstack service failed when creating the password plugin

I installed openstack through packstack. However I am having a tough time dealing with the commands. openstack service list --long I get: Discovering ve