Category "openid"

Node express with OpenID connect

I use the this library to use oidc with nodejs What I need is the following: user login with user password, or have the data already the session cookie. this is

How to manage the Strategy user info in NestJS and pass it to the client side in Angular?

I'm doing a little project in this quarantine time to learn about the backend part of a project. In this case I'm using Angular as client-side and NestJS as bac

OpenIDConnect provider's HTTPS certificate doesn't match configured thumbprint

- name: Configure AWS credentials uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@master with: role-to-assume: ${{secrets.ARN_GITHUB_ACTI

Swagger/Swashbuckle Authorize. Scopes checked by default

Is it possible to set an auth scope checkbox checked by default on Swashbuckle UI on a Core 2.0 Web API?? I use the "openid" scope and I'd like to have

User Auth/Identity Service that takes care of social logins?

I am looking for a service similar to: Amazon Cognito, Okta, Auth0, OneLogin, Google Identity Platform, but with one requirement that the above mentioned servic

What are the default Lifetime values for openiddict tokens

Very simple question, i would just like to know what the default values are set in openiddict 3.0+ Tokens are AccessToken AuthorizationToken DeviceCodeToken Ide

Keycloak Rest API get all available resources

i am trying to list all resources client have access to. I am unable to figure out how to to make the call. I have used this curl curl -X GET \ http://$URL/au