Category "node.js"

535 5.7.139 Authentication unsuccessful, the request did not meet the criteria to be authenticated successfully

I'm trying to send email via nodemailer. And sender email is of microsoft azure. But I'm getting error-response: '535 5.7.139 Authentication unsuccessful, the r

Loading saved messages using socket shows duplicates to other users

So basically I have a chat app in html and nodejs and js and I am trying to load messages that were sent previously so people can see chat history if they join

How to console.log without a newline in Deno?

How do I print a new line to the terminal without a newline in Deno? In node.js I used to do: process.stdout.write('hello, deno!') Is this possible in Deno? De

How to send SMS using node.js

I want to make web app designed to send SMS via web interface. How can I send SMS (from my phone number) to specified recipient using node/express? Is twilio th

Getting error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')

I am getting the following error in my terminal while running the code: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id') I have one middleware and other rout

Postgresql req.query returning everything instead of what is being queried?

My getByTitle query doesnt seem to work, all my other routes and models work perfectly using params. Not sure what it is I've written wrong? For context this is

TypeError: require(...) is not a function while Using sequalize with node js

I am beginner in web dev and trying to create a Full stack project using Mysql Express React Node js. Facing this TypeError issue while using Sequalize with nod

Document Read and insert with locking/transaction in nodejs with mongodb

In reservation system, only 5 different user can create bookings. If 100 user call booking api at same time than how to handle concurrency with locking. I am us

NPM CI error bindings not accessible from watchpack-chokidar2:fsevents

When I run npm ci on Github Actions I got the error: Run npm ci npm ERR! bindings not accessible from watchpack-chokidar2:fsevents npm ERR! A complete log of t

Typeorm. use only the date part while querying via date and exclude the timestamp part

I have a use case where I have to retrieve a users record from the database via his date of birth. The thing is that we have stored the date of birth of the use

Mongoose - array of enum strings

I have a Schema that has a property with the type of array of strings that are predefined. This is what I've tried to do: interests: { type: [String], e

NodeJS Mysql Query with multiple fields in where clause

I'm working with MySQL for a while and also built an API in NodeJS including mySQL for work Basically i need a query like "SELECT * FROM table WHERE fieldA=varA

how to I get a user's IP address when separate client and server apps, in Node with Nest.js

I have two apps, one front end (react.js) and one a REST API back-end(nest.js based on express.js). How do I get the IP address of the user accessing the back-e

How to avoid duplication of module "bn.js" in webpack production build?

I used webpack 4 for my app. Somehow, bn.js package takes up a lot in production build. The image shows that it takes up 594.22 KB of data. Is there any way to

Add notification to Windows notification center without displaying it on screen

I am building an Electron app featuring a custom Notification feature where html5 divs appear and disappear as needed on a frameless, transparent, always-on-top

TypeError: Cannot read property 'then' of undefined , TypeError: _cb is not a function

my code in github, but I didn't upload the latest version: I use node.js and express.js framework. Database use mo

Node Js sequelize select query by month

Am new in Node Js, In my Node Js project am using sequelize ORM with MySql database. This is my query i want to write select query by month. This is my query

Firebase Functions) Can I exclude certain files when importing them from the Storage bucket?

I'm going to delete old images using the schedule function. Before deleting these images, I have created thumbnail images, and I want to delete only the origina

Does Node.js support the String.MatchAll method?

When I test the code: let result = 'heymama'.matchAll(/m(a)/g); I get the error "'heymama'.matchAll is not a function" When I run the version: let result =

NestJs: Unable to read env variables in module files but able in service files?

I have an .env file at the root of my NestJs project with some env variables in it. The strange thing is that I am able to read the variables in service files