Category "node.js"

How do you store a MongoClient connection in a variable for later use?

This is probably a very simple question. I am running into an issue when storing a MongoClient connection in a variable for later use. Using import { MongoClien

When should we use NodeJS and when should we use MongoDB?

As a new developer, I am always confused about using NodeJS and MongoDB. So I hope I will get an actual answer. Thanks...

I create some document to mongoose but not showing

I tried to create 5 documents in mondoDB , and I’m sure that I successfully created 5 documents. But it only shows one document on Robo3T. Here is my code

Typescript Node MODULE_NOT_FOUND

When I run yarn start (ts-node src/index.ts), I get MODULE_NOT_FOUND Error: Cannot find module 'src/isAuth'. It use to work before I added that new file isAuth.

Firebase-admin Firestore node.js share logic with modular v9 js sdk

What is the recommended way to share Firestore api logic (between the admin node.js and the js web) when upgrading to the web v9 modular sdk? The way I did it b

Issue With Paytm payment gateway integration(Custom checkout) in nodejs environment

I am using the nodejs environment to integrate PayTm payment gateway with Custom Checkout approach as mentioned in the link and on this process I need to use th

Deploying Svelte App to Heroku / Dokku fails because modules cannot be found

I am having problems deploying my svelte web3 App to my VPS running Dokku. The structure of the folder is as follows: root |-->svelte |--> ... I found s

ParserError while compiling solidity code

I am new to solidity. This is my 1st simple project when I do node compile.js & I am getting following error: My Error : { contracts: {}, errors: [ ":

After jwt verification the state change is not presisting

So on the front end I'm using this function to have the user Log In if they have a This Function only works at the time of log in and after if the users just na

Routing in a lambda function without API Gateway

I have an express app and is deployed via serverless. My stack is just a lambda function + API Gateway. That works and it's accessible on Postman or httpxmlrequ

Typescript configure mapping for compiled import path

I have an aws amplify project which is using yarn workspaces. My project has a lambda function and a layer. When the lambda function runs in aws it needs to imp

Can't receive valid test on specific test controller

I'm testing a sign-in controller and therefore I've written the following test: it("return 200 when user signed in successfully", async () => { await req

How to get last message send by bot to user in Microsoft bot framework? Or is it possible to update user state via connector API?

How to get last message send by bot to user in Microsoft bot framework, if bot send message to user via connector API? Or is it possible to update user state vi

I have a problem entering data into an object using FOR

I have an object I want to go through using the FOR loop Because I want to change the object according to my needs Here is my original object I copied it from c

Why do I get a UserCodeSyntaxError when I have no syntax error in my code?

I'm currently creating a Dialogflow chatbot in nodejs and upon deploying my code I get an error message. I've attempted to uncomment most things out to just be

How to implement expo push notification in react native with nodejs server

I am working on an app which needs push notification. I haven't used push notification before and I am no idea how to implement this with nodejs server. Any one

Heroku logs : Service temporarily unavailable. Please try again later

FIRST : When I run in my terminal : heroku logs or heroku logs --tail, I get "Service temporarily unavailable. Please try again later" What does it mean pleas

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory in express-handlebars

I am using express-handlebars to load dynamic content in NodeJS inside app.js const express = require("express"); const bodyParser = require("body-parser"); c

How to do a tail -f on node process.stdout?

Im not a node developer by nature and I have this project and I am trying to debug something. And I notice that the logger is logging to process.stdout .... How

Sending a message into all servers where bot is

How do I send one message per guild that my bot is in? It doesn't matter which channel it will be, but I don't know how to code it. I finally came up with that