Category "nginx"

how to proxy through nginx server to nginx ingress controller

there are two servers external server on it nginx server internal access to it only through an external server, and also k8s with nginx ingress controller is in

Configure redirect Uris of Identity server in docker environment

Okay, this quite big so just skip to the last section for a brief. I have a demo application (netcore 6.0) built on micro-service architect, suppose we have 3 s

Nginx causes file upload to freeze

I've been trying to figure this out for days now. When I attempt to upload a file to my webserver written in java, about 2.5MB of the file uploads and then it j

Unable to access the nginx through Kubernetes LoadBalancer service

I'm using k8s provided with docker desktop (windows). My deployment.yml file is apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: nginx-deployment labels

Simple internal server error because running uwsgi keeps on deleting the .sock file

I'm trying to deploy my first Django application by following these steps. The problem I have is that, for some reason, running uwsgi --emperor venv/vassals/ --

Docker Volumes in ECS -- how to connect nginx with php-fpm using unix socket

I tried to make the construction like figure1. figure1 In the local environment, I can access after running docker-compose up -d --build. And I

Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ingress-nginx.ingress-nginx-controller.svc.cluster.local

I am working with NextJS and I need for it to know when it's making a request on the server or on the browser. To do it on the server-side because I am building

Nginx ssl_session_cache difference between shared:SSL and shared:MozSSL?

When setting ssl_session_cache in Nginx I often see examples set it as one of the two options: ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m; or ssl_session_cache shared:Moz

Setting Nginx Header Host without breaking an existing ingress

When I add proxy_set_header Host $host; to my ingress file, it stops working. I think I need to set that as the value as I'm trying to expose SSL over Keycloak

Nginx deny if location contains

How can I deny access to nginx if the path contains /local or /local-int to all networks except the local one? For example

nginx cause ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS when using variable set $upstream

I do have a very odd phenomenon when configuring nginx as reverse proxy. While the following works just fine location / { proxy_set_header Host $host; p

nginx err_connection_refused, can anyone help me?

got installed my old site with php, mysql and so on, an everything work fine but my site is not reachable from the outside of my LAN. Did a ton of changes and t

How can I make this nested location configuration use the correct path to call a php program?

I have setup nginx to allow users to have a user website ( maps to /home/username/www). I want to allow my users to use php. Php is

Can a response from an http request alter the base address in the next client request?

I have an octoprint server running at I also have an nginx server hosting myDomain. I want to be able to use the nginx server to pass on

URL paths to query params in NGINX

I want to convert an Apache 2.4 configuration to NGINX. I found that NGINX does not pay attention to the htaccess... I have an Application that uses this URL st

nginx unknown directive "auth_jwt"

I want set jwt auth on my nginx but I got this error: nginx: [emerg] unknown directive "auth_jwt" in /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf I have nginx version: ng

nginx not redirecting localy but ok from other networks

i am having troubles with nginx. The problem is that when i access from the phone or laptop over data connection or on friends wifi it works. But

Terminal error: zsh: permission denied: ./

I am running a command ./ nginx:start and I am getting this error message zsh: permission denied: ./ why could this be happening?

Nginx proxy remove spesific path and emty Post request body +HTTPS

I'm using nginx for web service proxy. I have rest service as below and i want to proxy my domain Service has some method

letsencrypt certificate not loading outside internal network

I have a RasberryPi 4 running ubuntu/20.04.4 with nginx/1.18.0 Configured the ports forward (80,443) to the RPI4 and previously had it working with some godaddy