Category "nginx-ingress"

Setting Nginx Header Host without breaking an existing ingress

When I add proxy_set_header Host $host; to my ingress file, it stops working. I think I need to set that as the value as I'm trying to expose SSL over Keycloak

How can I leverage nginx to enforce a delay/rate-limit between outbound requests?

I am working with an external API that expects me to self-limit requests to no more than one request every 20 milliseconds (500 req/s total). I can easily do t

Migrate docker-compose nginx.conf to kubernetes nginx ingress

I am trying to convert my docker-compose nginx.conf to kubernetes nginx ingress controller. This is my nginx.conf that i am using with docker-compose. server {

Waiting for HTTP-01 challenge propagation: failed to perform self check GET request

I'm trying to secure my nginx-ingress connection with let's encrypt, following this tutorial (

Kubernetes ingress controller upgrade doesn't finish the upgrade

We have an issue upgrading our nginx ingress controller: We have thousands of ingress objects - all with the same ingress class, provided as an annotation and n

Why ingress-nginx controller tcp-services not working?

I'm trying to expose a RabbitMQ ssl port via ingress-nginx tcp-services like so: $ cat rabbit-expose-amqps.yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name

AKS Ingress - multiple ExternalName services

we are migrating application to AKS. Originally it was deployed on our server and there was a directory with images on the same machine with proxy set. So we ha

Enable kubernetes nginx ingress compression in terraform configuration

using helm bitnami chart nginx-ingress-controller and also this terraform code to create the controller, how to enable the gzip request compression? it seems to

How can I configure NGINX ingress controller to work with Cloudflare and Digital Ocean Load Balancer?

I have tried the answers in this question. This is my current configuration: apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: labels: ingress-nginx

kubernetes ingress service annotations

I am setting up an ingress service following some k8s documentation, but I am not able to understand the following annotations: kubernetes.ip/ingress.class: ngi

How to perform custom authentication with kubernetes Ingress

I have deployed few services in kubernetes and using NGINX ingress to access outside.(Using EC2 instance for all cluster setup). Able to access service through

AWS - x-real-ip is ip of nginx-ingress-controller

I currently have the following problem. I have a backend that is behind an nginx-ingress controller used as load balancer in aws. Usually i should get the users

Nginx ingress controller not giving metrics for prometheus

I am trying to deploy an nginx ingress controller which can be monitored using prometheus however I am running into an issue that it seems no metrics pod(s) is

Procedure to install an Ingress controller

Unable to install ingress-nginx for kubernetes on Docker desktop I was using the following in cmd line to install ingress nginx so far: $ kubectl apply -f htt