Category "native-base"

Nativebase: How to render an Icon?

The documentation says "Use a third-party icon library ( such as @expo/vector-icons ), with as prop." I don't really know what that means, but let's say i want

onChange on TextInput Not Working Inside Formik

Generally <TextInput> allows you to type even when you're just specifying a placeholder. However, when using within the Formik form, I am unable to type a

How to have a searchbar in "Select" Component native-base

I would love to have a search bar in "Select" component from the library native-base in react-native. I have tried adding a "TextInput" component inside the "Se

How to overcome ERESOLVE errors within EAS build for native-base and Expo?

I have got the following package.json file. Main purpose is to use Expo 44 with native-base (version ^3.0.0). I could not figure out why such an obvious combina

does native-base have a utility method that allows us to extract computed theme data?

I am using native base and I want to use some of the theme values for example the primary text color and the main background color I am looking for something th

Native Base and Modal not working in React Native

Is there any conflict with native base and react-native-modal? I can't get my modal to display the content. I was wondering if it is because the Container tag o

RNCAndroidDropdownPicker was not found in the UIManager

I have installed nativebase version 2.15.2. I am getting following error in android: requireNativeComponent "RNCAndroidDropdownPicker" was not found in the UIMa

Sharing components made with Native-Base between ReactJs and React Native Projects

I am trying to share components between a ReactJs and React Native project. I have been successful in being able to share components that use React Native, but